def runProgram():
#Allow the user to open a floorplan picture (Assume the user will select a valid PNG floodplan)
myPlan = pickAFile()
floorplan = makePicture(myPlan)
#Display the floorplan picture
#In level 2, set the numLights value to 2
#In level 3, obtain a value for numLights from the user (see spec).
numLights= requestInteger("How many lights would you like to use?")
#In level 2, set the numTries to 10
#In level 3, obtain a value for numTries from the user.
numTries= requestInteger("How many times would you like to try?")
#Call and repeat the tryConfiguration() function numTries times. You will need to give it (pass as arguments or parameterS)
# the floorplan picture that the user provided and the value of the numLights variable.
使用'for'循環。 – rlms
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