我在使用python編程時遇到了新問題,但是目前我收到了編寫一個寫入所有ID的腳本的任務,其中發生了type = 0或type = 1。它看起來像這個例子中的XML文件:通過文件夾中的文件打開文件
<bla1 type="0" id = "1001" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla2 type="0" id = "1002" pvalue:="djdjd" />
<bla3 type="0" id = "1003" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla4 type="0" id = "1004" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla5 type="0" id = "1005" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla6 type="1" id = "1006" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla7 type="0" id = "1007" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla8 type="0" id = "1008" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla9 type="1" id = "1009" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla10 type="0" id = "1010" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla11 type="0" id = "1011" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
<bla12 type="0" id = "1009" pvalue:="djdjd"/>
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET # required import
XmlFile = 'ID3.xml' # insert here the name of the XML-file, which needs to be inside the same folder as the .py file
my_file = open('%s' % XmlFile, "r+") # open the XML-file
Xml2String = my_file.readlines() # convert the file into a list strings
XmlFile_new = [] # new list, which is filled with the modified strings
L = len(Xml2String) # length of the string-list
for i in range(1, L): # Increment starts at 0, therefore, the first line is ignored
if ':=' in Xml2String[i]:
XmlFile_new.append(Xml2String[i].replace(':=', '=')) # get rid of colon
tree = ET.ElementTree(XmlFile_new)
root = tree.getroot()
id_0 = [] # list for id="0"
id_1 = [] # list for id="1"
id_one2zero = [] # list for ids, that occur twice
for i in range(len(root)):
if 'type="0"' in root[i]: # check for type
a = root[i].index("id") + 5 # search index of id
b = a+6
id_0.append((root[i][a:b])) # the id is set via index slicing
elif 'type="1"' in root[i]: # check for type
a = root[i].index("id") + 5
b = a+6
print("Unknown type occurred") # If there's a line without type="0" or type="1", this message gets printed
# (Remember: first line of the xml-file is ignored)
for i in range(len(id_0)): # check for ids, that occur twice
for j in range(len(id_1)):
if id_0[i] == id_1[j]:
f = open('write.xml','w')
print >>f, 'whatever'
非常感謝您的評論!我會盡快測試它:-) – Mueller
...所以我想我會擁有所有的xml文件......就像一個數組,對吧?我如何告訴python下一步然後繼續下一個等?你可以給我一個例子,如果在我的情況下,我有3 xml的,我想工作?可以說:ID1.xml,ID2.xml,ID3.xml在文件夾中。 XML的名稱不同,但結構始終相同。我需要循環嗎? – Mueller
是的,你需要一個循環。我試圖在我的例子中解釋這個,我提供了一個可以工作的循環。 'os.walk()'返回一個文件列表(在你的情況下是'[「ID1.xml」,「ID2.xml」,「ID3.xml」]和'文件中的文件:'循環所有這些文件在列表中,無論你在哪裏寫下我的評論'#處理你的文件',都會爲所有文件執行 –