2013-10-11 149 views


  <!DOCTYPE html> 
      <title>Canvas Test</title> 
        <canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"> 

      <script type="text/javascript"> 
      var canvas; 
      var ctx; 

      var x = 400; 
      var y = 300; 
      var dx = 2; 
      var dy = 4; 

      var a = 100; 
      var b = 200; 
      var da = 3; 
      var db = 5; 
      var WIDTH = 500; 
      var HEIGHT = 500; 

      function circle(x,y,r) { 
       ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI*2, true); 

      function rect(x,y,w,h) { 

      function clear() { 
       ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); 

      function init() { 
       canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); 
       ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 
       return setInterval(draw, 10); 


       var c = Math.floor((Math.random()*WIDTH)+1); 
       var d = Math.floor((Math.random()*WIDTH)+1); 
       var e = Math.floor((Math.random()*WIDTH)+1); 
       var f = Math.floor((Math.random()*WIDTH)+1); 
       var g = Math.floor((Math.random()*WIDTH)+1); 
       var h = Math.floor((Math.random()*WIDTH)+1); 

       var dc = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1); 
       var dd = Math.floor((Math.random()*8)+1); 
       var de = Math.floor((Math.random()*7)+1); 
       var df = Math.floor((Math.random()*5)+1); 
       var dg = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1); 
       var dh = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1); 

      var enTimer = null; 
      function draw() { 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#FAF7F8"; 
       ctx.fillStyle = "#F00"; 
       circle(x, y, 10); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#0772A1"; 
       circle(a, d, 20); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#00BB3F"; 
       circle(a, b, 30); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#FB0"; 
       circle(c, d, 15); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#E7003E"; 
       circle(c, y, 25); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#FF7400"; 
       circle(e, f, 10); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#98ED00"; 
       circle(g, h, 25); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#3016B0"; 
       circle(e, h, 30); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#8C04A8"; 
       circle(g, f, 15); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#009D91"; 
       circle(x, f, 30); 

       if (x + dx > WIDTH || x + dx < 0) 
       dx = -dx; 
       if (y + dy > HEIGHT || y + dy < 0) 
       dy = -dy; 

      if (a + da > WIDTH || a + da < 0) 
       da = -da; 
       if (b + db > HEIGHT || b + db < 0) 
       db = -db; 

       if (c + dc > WIDTH || c + dc < 0) 
       dc = -dc; 
       if (d + dd > HEIGHT || d + dd < 0) 
       dd = -dd; 

        if (e + de > WIDTH || e + de < 0) 
       de = -de; 
       if (f + df > HEIGHT || f + df < 0) 
       df = -df; 

        if (g + dg > WIDTH || g + dg < 0) 
       dg = -dg; 
       if (h + db > HEIGHT || h + db < 0) 
       dh = -dh; 
       if(ctx.onmouseover = 1){ 
         x += 0; 
       y += 0; 
       a += 0; 
       b += 0; 

       c += 0; 
       d += 0; 

       e += 0; 
       f += 0; 

       g += 0; 
       h += 0; 
       else if(ctx.onmouseout = 0){*/ 
       x += dx; 
       y += dy; 
       a += da; 
       b += db; 

       c += dc; 
       d += dd; 

       e += de; 
       f += df; 

       g += dg; 
       h += dh; 
        var interval = getRand(200000, 000); 
        enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); 

      function pause() { 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#FAF7F8"; 
       ctx.fillStyle = "#F00"; 
       circle(x, y, 10); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#0772A1"; 
       circle(a, d, 20); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#00BB3F"; 
       circle(a, b, 30); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#FB0"; 
       circle(c, d, 15); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#E7003E"; 
       circle(c, y, 25); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#FF7400"; 
       circle(e, f, 10); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#98ED00"; 
       circle(g, h, 25); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#3016B0"; 
       circle(e, h, 30); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#8C04A8"; 
       circle(g, f, 15); 

       ctx.fillStyle = "#009D91"; 
       circle(x, f, 30); 

       if (x + dx > WIDTH || x + dx < 0) 
       dx = -dx; 
       if (y + dy > HEIGHT || y + dy < 0) 
       dy = -dy; 

      if (a + da > WIDTH || a + da < 0) 
       da = -da; 
       if (b + db > HEIGHT || b + db < 0) 
       db = -db; 

       if (c + dc > WIDTH || c + dc < 0) 
       dc = -dc; 
       if (d + dd > HEIGHT || d + dd < 0) 
       dd = -dd; 

        if (e + de > WIDTH || e + de < 0) 
       de = -de; 
       if (f + df > HEIGHT || f + df < 0) 
       df = -df; 

        if (g + dg > WIDTH || g + dg < 0) 
       dg = -dg; 
       if (h + db > HEIGHT || h + db < 0) 
       dh = -dh; 

         x += 0; 
       y += 0; 
       a += 0; 
       b += 0; 

       c += 0; 
       d += 0; 

       e += 0; 
       f += 0; 

       g += 0; 
       h += 0; 
        var interval = getRand(200000, 000); 
        enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); 






您可以創建一個[小提琴演示(http://jsfiddle.net)的呢? – Ibu


here http://jsfiddle.net/lightblue/ADTd9/ –





function init() { 
    canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); 
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 
    enTimer=setInterval(draw, 10); 



// listen for mouseover on the canvas 


// listen for mouseout from the canvas 


// on mouseover, clear the timer 

function doMouseOver(){ 

// on mouseout, start another timer 

function doMouseOut(){ 
    var interval = getRand(200000, 000); // or make interval public to make it reusable 
    enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); 