2015-11-26 40 views


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<title>Task 25 NOvember 2015</title> 


class Task{ 
\t public $name = "abc"; 
\t public $fname = "xyz"; 
\t public $dob = "10-9-90"; 
\t public $country = "country"; 
\t public $ddress = "Street"; 
\t public $cgpa = 3; 
\t public $degree = "MCS"; 
\t public $year = "2014"; 
\t public function method1($arg1, $arg2, $arg3){ 
\t \t $this->name = $arg1; 
\t \t $this->fname = $arg2; 
\t \t $this->dob = $arg3; 
\t \t 
\t \t return "My name is ".$this->name." ".", and my father name is ".$this->fname; 
\t \t //i want to print the above values ... without giving in the function args 
\t \t 
\t \t 
\t \t } 
\t public function method2($arg4,$arg5){ 
\t \t 
\t \t 
\t \t 
\t \t 
\t \t } 
\t public function method3(){} 
\t public function method4(){} 
\t public function method5(){} 
\t } 
    $object1 = new Task(); 
    echo $object1->method1("","",""); 








當你做一些非常簡單的事情時,不要使用類就更容易了。這不像java,你必須使用類。在PHP中,你不必。 – frosty


感謝您的回覆,,,但是,這是我們在軟件公司的任務,,,我必須這樣做... – user3719190




echo $object1->method1("","",""); 


class Task 
    public $name = "Naveed"; 
    public $fname = "Zahid"; 
    public $dob = "10-04-1991"; 
    public $country = "Pakistan"; 
    public $ddress = "shergarh mardan kpk"; 
    public $cgpa = 3.83; 
    public $degree = "MCS"; 
    public $year = "2014"; 

    public function method1($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) { 
     $this->name = $arg1; 
     $this->fname = $arg2; 
     $this->dob = $arg3; 

     return "My name is " . $this->name . " " . ", and my father name is " . $this->fname; 

     //i want to print the above values ... without giving in the function args 


    public function method2($arg4, $arg5) { 

    public function method3() { 

    public function method4() { 

    public function method5() { 

$object1 = new Task(); 

echo $object1->method1("Naveed", "Zahid", "10-04-1991"); 


class Task 
    public $name = "Naveed"; 
    public $fname = "Zahid"; 
    public $dob = "10-04-1991"; 
    public $country = "Pakistan"; 
    public $ddress = "shergarh mardan kpk"; 
    public $cgpa = 3.83; 
    public $degree = "MCS"; 
    public $year = "2014"; 

    public function method1() { 
     return "My name is " . $this->name . " " . ", and my father name is " . $this->fname; 
     //i want to print the above values ... without giving in the function args 

    public function method2($arg4, $arg5) { 

    public function method3() { 

    public function method4() { 

    public function method5() { 

$object1 = new Task(); 

echo $object1->method1(); 

此外,試圖更多地瞭解基本/提前PHP的。你可以開始使用這個鏈接:http://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/ tutorialspoint在學習新語言時幫助我很多


非常感謝..這是我們的任務,使8類屬性ans在使用「&」的方法中有5個函數有參數和調用方法(函數)...我需要這個解決方案 – user3719190


@ user3719190這是否解決了您的問題?如果是,則將其標記爲已接受。如果不是,你能否提高你的問題,以便我們能夠更好地幫助你 – Ceeee