2017-01-18 100 views

我有一些jQuery,它使用每個循環來檢查在Symfony 3 CRM上的重複表單字段中輸入的值。有一個$.post它將輸入的值發送到一個函數,該函數檢查數據庫中的重複項,如果它是重複項,則會向數組中添加一些內容,否則會添加一個空值以指示它不是重複項。完成這些操作後,它會檢查最終數組並將任何錯誤添加到錯誤塊以顯示給用戶。每個jQuery調用都會在完成之前繼續運行



$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() { 
    var bitch_errors = []; 
    var dog_errors = []; 
    // NOTE: Bitch and dog names need to be checked differently so we know which error is assigned to which input 
    $('.check_bitch_name').each(function(i, obj) { 
     // need to check each name for validity and duplication. 
     var entered_bitch_name = obj.value; 
     var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/; 
     if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) { 
      bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid"; 
     } else { 
      // now to check for duplicates 
      $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name } 
      ).done(function (response) { 
       if(response == 'duplicate') { 
        bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate"; 
       } else { 
        bitch_errors[i+1] = ""; 
    $('.check_dog_name').each(function(i, obj) { 
     // need to check each name for validity and duplication. 
     var entered_dog_name = obj.value; 
     var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/; 
     if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) { 
      dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid"; 
     } else { 
      // now to check for duplicates 
      $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name } 
      ).done(function (response) { 
       if(response == 'duplicate') { 
        dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate"; 
       } else { 
        dog_errors[i+1] = ""; 

    if(count(bitch_errors) == 0 && count(dog_errors) == 0) { 
     return true; 

    // loop through the errors and assign them to the correct input 
    $.each(bitch_errors, function(key, value) { 
     if (value == "invalid") { 
      $('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters'); 
      return false; 
     } else if(value == "duplicate") { 
      $('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken'); 
      return false; 
    $.each(dog_errors, function(key, value) { 
     if(value != "") { 
      if (value == "invalid") { 
       $('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters'); 
       return false; 
      } else if(value == "duplicate") { 
       $('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken'); 
       return false; 

    return false; 







function checkDog(name) { 
    var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/; 
    if(!pattern.test(name)) { 
     return $.Deferred().resolve("invalid"); 
    } else { 
     return $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: name }) 
     .then(function (response) { 
      if (response === 'duplicate') { 
       return 'duplicate'; 
      } else { 
       return ''; 


function checkDogs(array) { 
    return $.when.apply($, array.map(checkDog)); 


function getInputValues($selector) { 
    return $selector.get().map(function(el) { 
     return el.value; 


$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() { 

    var bitch_names = getInputValues($('.check_bitch_name')); 
    var dog_names = getInputValues($('.check_dog_name')); 

    var bitch_promises = checkDogs(bitch_names); 
    var dog_promises = checkDogs(dog_names); 

    $.when(bitch_promises, dog_promises).then(function(bitch_errors, dog_errors) { 
     // update the DOM based on the passed arrays 

我真的不明白這一點 - checkDogs的含義是什麼?如果我寫這個,這意味着之後沒有別的東西會運行,因爲它有回報嗎? –


@MichaelEmerson唯一需要在你的'submit'回調中的位是兩個調用'checkInputs'和最後一個'$ .when'的塊。正如你已經猜測的那樣,直到'$ .post'調用全部完成之後,這些數組纔可用,'$ .when'調用處理該同步。 – Alnitak


好吧,那很好,但checkDogs(數組)是什麼?如果我補充一點,它會在第一個括號之前拋出一個錯誤,指出「期待換行符或分號」。另外,由於返回,getInputValues永遠不會被達到? –



$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() { 

     here you get the initial count for bitches and dogs 
    var bitch_count = $('.check_bitch_name').length; 
    var dog_count = $('.check_dog_name').length; 

    var bitch_errors = []; 
    var dog_errors = []; 
    // NOTE: Bitch and dog names need to be checked differently so we know which error is assigned to which input 
    $('.check_bitch_name').each(function(i, obj) { 
     // need to check each name for validity and duplication. 
     var entered_bitch_name = obj.value; 
     var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/; 
     if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) { 
      bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid"; 
     } else { 
      // now to check for duplicates 
      $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name } 
      ).done(function (response) { 
       if(response == 'duplicate') { 
        bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate"; 
       } else { 
        bitch_errors[i+1] = ""; 

        now on every checked name you decrement the counter 
        and if both counters reach zero you can be sure you 
        checked all and only now you call your validation 
       if(bitch_count === 0 && dog_count === 0) { 
        return validateErrors(); 

    $('.check_dog_name').each(function(i, obj) { 
     // need to check each name for validity and duplication. 
     var entered_dog_name = obj.value; 
     var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/; 
     if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) { 
      dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid"; 
     } else { 
      // now to check for duplicates 
      $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name } 
      ).done(function (response) { 
       if(response == 'duplicate') { 
        dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate"; 
       } else { 
        dog_errors[i+1] = ""; 

        same here 
       if(bitch_count === 0 && dog_count === 0) { 
        return validateErrors(); 


    ...and finally all code that should be processed after the ajax calls 
function validateErrors() { 
    if(count(bitch_errors) == 0 && count(dog_errors) == 0) { 
     return true; 

    // loop through the errors and assign them to the correct input 
    $.each(bitch_errors, function(key, value) { 
     if (value == "invalid") { 
      $('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters'); 
      return false; 
     } else if(value == "duplicate") { 
      $('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken'); 
      return false; 
    $.each(dog_errors, function(key, value) { 
     if(value != "") { 
      if (value == "invalid") { 
       $('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters'); 
       return false; 
      } else if(value == "duplicate") { 
       $('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken'); 
       return false; 

    return false; 


我強烈推薦使用'$ .when'來代替。你也可以使用'$ .fn.map'而不是'$ .fn.forEach'生成一個承諾數組傳遞給'$ .when' – Alnitak


@Alnitak我是'$ .when'的新手,所以使用作爲標誌的櫃檯是我想出的第一件事。但偷看到jquery文檔,這絕對是一條路! –


查看我的答案,瞭解如何使用它的示例 – Alnitak


您可以使用async lib來管理這些請求,並收集,然後將被傳遞到最終的回調,你可以處理他們的成果。


    bitch_errors: function(callback) { 
     var bitch_errors = []; 

     async.forEachOf($('.check_bitch_name'), function(obj, i, cb) { 
      // need to check each name for validity and duplication. 
      var entered_bitch_name = obj.value; 
      var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/; 
      if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) { 
       bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid"; 
      } else { 
       // now to check for duplicates 
       $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name } 
       ).done(function (response) { 
        if(response == 'duplicate') { 
        bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate"; 
        } else { 
        bitch_errors[i+1] = ""; 
     }, function() { 
      callback(null, bitch_errors); 
    dog_errors: function(callback) { 
     var dog_errors = []; 

     async.forEachOf($('.check_dog_name'), function(obj, i, cb) { 
      // need to check each name for validity and duplication. 
      var entered_dog_name = obj.value; 
      var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/; 
      if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) { 
       dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid"; 
      } else { 
       // now to check for duplicates 
       $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name } 
       ).done(function (response) { 
        if(response == 'duplicate') { 
         dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate"; 
        } else { 
         dog_errors[i+1] = ""; 
     }, function() { 
      callback(null, dog_errors); 
}, function(err, results) { 
    // you can now access your results like so 

    if(count(results.bitch_errors) == 0 && count(results.dog_errors) == 0) { 
    // ... rest of your code 