2017-10-17 15 views


isThisDescendant(7,1) //true 
isThisDescendant(1,7) //false 
isThisDescendant(7,3) //false 
isThisDescendant(3,2) //true 

object = { 
    children : [ 
      name: 'a', 
      id: 1, 
      children: [ 
        name: 'b', 
        id: 2, 
        children: [ 
          name: 'c', 
          id: 3, 
          children: [] 
          name: 'cc', 
          id: 4, 
          children: [] 
        name: 'ba', 
        id: 6, 
        children: [ 
          name: 'c', 
          id: 8, 
          children: [] 
          name: 'cd', 
          id: 7, 
          children: [] 
      name: 'bb', 
      id: 10, 
      children: [] 

'id'應該是一個獨特的價值,但是從我看到它不是(代碼味道!)。有'id'' 3'的兩個實例。你如何處理這種情況? –


@KingKongFrog你試過了什麼?您應該提供您嘗試過的和沒有工作的代碼,而不是要求解決方案。 – SimplyComplexable




var object = {"children":[{"name":"a","id":1,"children":[{"name":"b","id":2,"children":[{"name":"c","id":3,"children":[]},{"name":"cc","id":4,"children":[]}]},{"name":"ba","id":6,"children":[{"name":"c","id":8,"children":[]},{"name":"cd","id":7,"children":[]}]}]},{"name":"bb","id":3,"children":[]}]} 


function isThisDescendant(a, b) { 
    var r = false; 

    function f(a, b, data = object, p = false) { 
    if (Array.isArray(data)) { 
     data.forEach(function(o) { 
     if (p && a == o.id) r = true; 
     else f(a, b, o.children, !p ? b == o.id : p) 
    } else f(a, b, data.children, p) 
    f(a, b) 
    return r 

console.log(isThisDescendant(7, 1)) //true 
console.log(isThisDescendant(1, 7)) //false 
console.log(isThisDescendant(7, 3)) //false 
console.log(isThisDescendant(3, 2)) //true


考慮到您可能會在比賽結束時提前退出,這不是一種非常昂貴的方法嗎?誠然,樹是非常小的,但由於ID是獨特的,我不明白爲什麼你想要遍歷所有的孩子 – Icepickle



  1. 這是一次性的東西,或者需要不斷質疑?


    如果不是,那麼你應該建立一個查找表(id, instance),然後使用該表來查找你的父母並進行檢查。考慮到兒童的體型小於整個組的大小,這或多或少地是O(1)到O(log n)。

  2. 是否對children數組進行排序?



1)一次性事物和2)他們沒有排序。 – KingKongFrog


@KingKongFrog然後很簡單,只需執行任何搜索算法,例如BFS或DFS(取決於您的樹的平均結構)並查找父項,然後檢查是否有任何子項具有您正在查找的「id」。 –


您需要兩個步驟 - 爬行樹找到「容器」,然後從容器爬下來找到後代。

const object = { 
    children : [ 
      name: 'a', 
      id: 1, 
      children: [ 
        name: 'b', 
        id: 2, 
        children: [ 
          name: 'c', 
          id: 3, 
          children: [] 
          name: 'cc', 
          id: 4, 
          children: [] 
        name: 'ba', 
        id: 6, 
        children: [ 
          name: 'c', 
          id: 8, 
          children: [] 
          name: 'cd', 
          id: 7, 
          children: [] 
      name: 'bb', 
      id: 10, 
      children: [] 

function isThisDescendant(descendentId, containerId, root = object, foundContainer = false) { 
    if (root.id === descendentId && foundContainer) return true; //found it inside the container 
    if (root.id === descendentId && !foundContainer) return false; //we found the descendent before the container 

    //recurse down to children 
    const newFoundContainer = foundContainer || root.id === containerId; 
    const childResults = root.children.map( 
     child => isThisDescendant(descendentId, containerId, child, newFoundContainer) 
    return or(childResults); //return true if any of the children hits 

//returns true if any items in the array are true 
function or(values) { 
    return Boolean(values.filter(Boolean).length); 

console.log(isThisDescendant(7,1)); //true 
console.log(isThisDescendant(1,7)); //false 
console.log(isThisDescendant(7,3)); //false 


  • 性能將在大樹下很差 - 使用索引,以加快(如果每個對象都知道它的父母,你可以走了樹更容易)
  • 我們使用默認參數值,以便對遞歸函數的第一個調用始終始於頂部(root = object)和foundContainer變量爲false所以我們首先尋找容器
  • 因爲這個分支,我已經避免將foundContainer作爲持久狀態來存儲 - 最好是計算出每次傳遞的內容並保持遞歸「純」(不含狀態/副作用)


你可以寫一個函數isDescendant(rootObj, valueA, valueB)。這將是這個樣子:

function isDescendant(rootObj, parentId, childId) { 
    const parentNode = findChildren(rootObj, parentId); // Find the parent node 
    if (!parentNode) return false; 
    return !!findChildren(parentNode, childId); // Find the child node 

function findChildren(obj, id) { 
    if (obj.id === id) return obj; 
    if (obj.children) return obj.children.find(c => findChildren(c, id)); 


function findNodeById(branch, id) { 
    if (!branch) { 
    return null; 
    if (branch.id === id) { 
    return branch; 
    for (let child of branch.children) { 
    let result = findNodeById(child, id); 
    if (result) { 
     return result; 
    return null; 

function isThisDescendant(tree, childId, parentId) { 
    const parent = findNodeById(tree, parentId); 
    if (!parent) { 
    return false; 
    const child = findNodeById(parent, childId); 
    return child !== null; 

const branch = { 
    children : [ 
      name: 'a', 
      id: 1, 
      children: [ 
        name: 'b', 
        id: 2, 
        children: [ 
          name: 'c', 
          id: 3, 
          children: [] 
          name: 'cc', 
          id: 4, 
          children: [] 
        name: 'ba', 
        id: 6, 
        children: [ 
          name: 'c', 
          id: 8, 
          children: [] 
          name: 'cd', 
          id: 7, 
          children: [] 
      name: 'bb', 
      id: 10, 
      children: [] 
console.log(isThisDescendant(branch, 7,1)); //true 
console.log(isThisDescendant(branch, 1,7)) //false 
console.log(isThisDescendant(branch, 7,3)) //false 
console.log(isThisDescendant(branch, 3,2)) //true
