我從UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)和 中偶爾會發生罕見的間歇性「意外錯誤」錯誤,如果我在幾秒鐘後重復請求,DNS和超時錯誤將會消失。
沒有幾個實際問題,如果有人能夠幫助: 我用使用Utilities.sleep(5000)暫停5秒, 是確定或有幾秒鐘後,再次有更好的方法來等待和 嘗試獲取?
即使我在5秒鐘後重復請求,當腳本爲 五分鐘後再次運行沒有「意外錯誤」時,爲什麼我會收到「意外錯誤」?
Periodically check status of web sites :-)
Google Apps for Busines UrlFetch daily limit is 100.000 requests,
read site and old status from sheet
check site and set new status
if status changed send email (+sms in future by using twilio)
update status in spreadsheet
"Site, Status code, Time of last change, Last error description"
function main() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet() ;
var currentRow, oldStatusCode, newStatusCode ;
var url, response, err, subject, message ;
var today = new Date() ;
currentRow = 2
while ((url = sheet.getRange(currentRow, 1).getValue()) != "") {
oldStatusCode = sheet.getRange(currentRow, 2).getValue() ;
newStatusCode = "Ok"
subject = "mCheck: " + url + " Up Status Change!" ;
message = url + " Up Status Change!" + "\n Time: " + today.toUTCString() ;
var tries = 3 ; // Check at least three times that status changed and it is not a one time glitch
do {
try {
response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url) ;
} catch (err) {
newStatusCode = "Down"
sheet.getRange(currentRow, 4).setValue(err.message) ;
subject = "mCheck: " + url + " Down Status Change!" ;
message = url + " Down Status Change!" + "\n Error message: " + err.message + "\n Time: " + today.toUTCString() ;
if (err.message.indexOf("Unexpected") > -1) { // If UrlFetch failed on Google side just ignore this iteration...
newStatusCode = oldStatusCode ;
if (oldStatusCode != newStatusCode) { // In case of status change wait 5 seconds before trying again
Utilities.sleep(5000) ;
--tries ;
} while ((oldStatusCode != newStatusCode) && tries >= 0)
if (oldStatusCode != newStatusCode) {
sheet.getRange(currentRow, 2).setValue(newStatusCode) ;
sheet.getRange(currentRow, 3).setValue(today.toUTCString()) ;
if (oldStatusCode != "") {
MailApp.sendEmail(email_to, subject, message) ;
我寫了一個Google Apps腳本用於相同的目的,並且遇到同樣的問題。如果您發現此解決方案,請在此處發佈。我會繼續尋找其他地方... –
似乎其他人也看到了這一點。 https://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/detail?id=2758 https://code.google.com/p/gmail-delay-send/issues/detail?id = 60 –
我認爲出現問題[2758](https://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/detail?id=2758)(謝謝,Rafael!)是我們的最佳選擇現在讓Google關注這個問題。 – Vimes