2011-11-22 41 views


public class GetLocationService extends IntentService { 

    public GetLocationService() { 

    LocationManager locationManager; 
    long maxFixLateness; 
    float maxFixPosUncertainty; 
    boolean usableLocObtained; 
    Location bestLoc = null; 
    float bestLocScore = 0; 
    Intent locChangeI; 
    PendingIntent pLocChangeI; 

    final protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { 
     maxFixLateness = 30000; 
     maxFixPosUncertainty = 30; 
     long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
     LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) this 
     // Check for a usable location fix 
     List<string> matchingProviders = locationManager.getAllProviders(); 
     for (String provider : matchingProviders) { 
      Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider); 
      if (location != null) { 
       // ...some code to check if the location is accurate or timely 
       // enough 
     if (bestLoc == null) { 
      locChangeI = new Intent(this, HandleLocationUpdateReceiver.class); 
      pLocChangeI = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, locChangeI, 
      usableLocObtained = false; 
        LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 0, 0, pLocChangeI); 
        LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, pLocChangeI); 
      // Call the timer that will periodically check to see if a usable 
      // location has been obtained. 
      new LocFixCheckTimer(60000, 30, 1000); 

    private class LocFixCheckTimer { 

     Timer timer; 
     long numChecks; 

     public LocFixCheckTimer(long initSearchTime, long maxRechecks, 
       long recheckFreq) { 
      numChecks = maxRechecks; 
      timer = new Timer(); 
      // Wait 2 seconds before checking for a fix again 
      timer.schedule(new CheckLocTask(), initSearchTime, recheckFreq); 

     class CheckLocTask extends TimerTask { 

      public void run() { 
       if (numChecks > 0) { 
        if (usableLocObtained == true) { 
         // I want to use the location data obtained from the 
         // HandleLocationUpdateReceiver's onReceive method 
         // but I don't how to get that data here. 
       } else { 
        // Cancel the timer. We've timed-out on searching 
        // for a usable location fix 


public class HandleLocationUpdateReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver 
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) 
    Location loc = (Location) intent.getExtras().get(LocationManager.KEY_LOCATION_CHANGED); 
    if (loc != null) 
     double lat = loc.getLatitude(); 
     double lon = loc.getLongitude(); 
     // Do some checking to see how accurate and timely the location is 
     // here and somehow get it back to the intent service. 

