如果您使用輸入法的單點。 (的index.php),我可以推薦這個爲你的錯誤處理:
define(CLEAN_EXIT, true);
function shutdownHandler() {
if(!defined("CLEAN_EXIT") || !CLEAN_EXIT) {
$msg = "Script stopped unexpectedly: ".ob_get_contents();
//Handle premature die()/exit() here
//Some initialization
//starting output buffering. (fatalErrorHandler is optional, but I recommend using it)
//Execute code right at the end. Catch exit() and die() here. But also all other terminations inside PHPs control
//handling other errors: Also optional
try {
//Include of offensive code
catch (Exception $ex) {
//Handling exception. Be careful to not raise exceptions here again. As you can end up in a cycle.
//Code reached this point, so it was a clean exit.
define(CLEAN_EXIT, true);
//Gets called when the script engine shuts down.
function shutdownHandler() {
$status = connection_status();
$statusText = "";
switch ($status) {
case 0:
if (!defined("CLEAN_EXIT") || !CLEAN_EXIT) {
$msg = "Script stopped unexpectedly: ".ob_get_contents();
//Handle premature die()/exit() here
else {
//Clean exit. Just return
case 1: $statusText = "ABORTED (1)"; break;
case 2: $statusText = "TIMEOUT (2)"; break;
case 3: $statusText = "ABORTED & TIMEOUT (3)"; break;
default : $statusText = "UNKNOWN ($status)"; break;
//Handle other exit variants saved in $statusText here
// error handler function (This is optional in your case)
function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
$msg = "[$errno] $errstr\nOn line $errline in file $errfile";
switch ($errno) {
case E_ERROR: $msg = "[E_ERROR] ".$msg; break;
case E_WARNING: $msg = "[E_WARNING] ".$msg; break;
case E_PARSE: $msg = "[E_PARSE] ".$msg; break;
case E_NOTICE: $msg = "[E_NOTICE] ".$msg; break;
case E_CORE_ERROR: $msg = "[E_CORE_ERROR] ".$msg; break;
case E_CORE_WARNING: $msg = "[E_CORE_WARNING] ".$msg; break;
case E_COMPILE_ERROR: $msg = "[E_COMPILE_ERROR] ".$msg; break;
case E_COMPILE_WARNING: $msg = "[E_COMPILE_WARNING] ".$msg; break;
case E_USER_ERROR: $msg = "[E_USER_ERROR] ".$msg; break;
case E_USER_WARNING: $msg = "[E_USER_WARNING] ".$msg; break;
case E_USER_NOTICE: $msg = "[E_USER_NOTICE] ".$msg; break;
case E_STRICT: $msg = "[E_STRICT] ".$msg; break;
case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: $msg = "[E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR] ".$msg; break;
case E_DEPRECATED: $msg = "[E_DEPRECIATED] ".$msg; break;
case E_USER_DEPRICIATED: $msg = "[E_USER_DEPRICIATED] ".$msg; break;
default: $msg = "[UNKNOWN] ".$msg; break;
//Handle Normal error/notice/warning here.
$handled = ...
if ($handled)
return true; //handled. Proceed execution
throw Exception($msg); //Be careful. this might quickly become cyclic. Be sure to have code that catches and handles exceptions. Else die() here after logging/reporting the error.
function fatalErrorHandler(&$buffer) {
$matches = null;
//Checking if the output contains a fatal error
if (preg_match('/<br \/>\s*<b>([^<>].*)error<\/b>:(.*)<br \/>$/', $buffer, $matches)) {
$msg = preg_replace('/<.*?>/','',$matches[2]);
//Handle Fatal error here
return "There was an unexpected situation that resulted in an error. We have been informed and will look into it."
//No fatal exception. Return buffer and continue
return $buffer;
嗯,它可以通過重寫腳本,而你讀它。以下示例將輸入標記爲輸入並重寫exit($ code)並將$ code代碼轉換爲php_exit($ code):編輯:stackoverflow不允許我在此處添加代碼,請參閱此文章以獲取靈感:http://stackoverflow.com /問題/ 31182968 /令牌獲得-全背到PHP源 - 如何做 – user1135940 2017-03-22 19:36:04