2015-06-09 124 views




private static Trie<Country> trie = new Trie<>(); 
trie.put("7", new Country(countryID, country)); 
trie.put("794", new Country(countryID, country)); 



Country country = trie.get("79519637944"); 
String CountryName = country.getName(); 




現在,當我試圖找到電話NR 74568706987069,然後嘗試將返回null,因爲它會爬到樹這樣7-> 4->將嘗試找到5,但它不會返回與前綴74相關的值而不是7.



import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 

* Prefix table based on trie structure. Allows to perform incremental lookup 
* and match based on search key prefixes (classic example - determine phone 
* area code for given phone number) 
* @param <V> 
*   a type of value object to be stored along with prefix (e.g when 
*   key is a country name, the value could be a name of the country) 
* @author Vladimir Kroz 
public class Trie<V> { 

Entry<V> entry; 
char key; 
Map<Character, Trie<V>> childrens; 

public Trie() { 
    this.childrens = new HashMap<Character, Trie<V>>(10); 
    entry = new Entry<V>(); 

/** non-public, used by _put() */ 
Trie(char key) { 
    this.childrens = new HashMap<Character, Trie<V>>(10); 
    this.key = key; 
    entry = new Entry<V>(); 

public void put(String key, V value) { 
    _put(new StringBuffer(key), new StringBuffer(""), value); 

void _put(StringBuffer remainder, StringBuffer prefix, V value) { 
    if (remainder.length() > 0) { 
     char keyElement = remainder.charAt(0); 
     Trie<V> t = null; 
     try { 
      t = childrens.get(keyElement); 
     } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { 
     if (t == null) { 
      t = new Trie<V>(keyElement); 
      childrens.put(keyElement, t); 
     t._put(remainder.deleteCharAt(0), prefix, value); 
    } else { 
     this.entry.value = value; 
     this.entry.prefix = prefix.toString(); 


* Retrieves element from prefix table matching as a prefix to provided key. 
* E.g. is key is "abcde" and prefix table has node "ab" then this call will 
* return "ab" 
* @param key 
*   a string which starts with prefix to be searched in the table 
*   (e.g. phone number) 
* @return an Object assosiated with matching prefix (i.e if key is a phone 
*   number it may return a corresponding country name) 
public V get(String key) { 
    return _get(new StringBuffer(key), 0); 

* Returns true if key has matching prefix in the table 
public boolean hasPrefix(String key) { 
    return ((this.get(key) != null) ? true : false); 

V _get(StringBuffer key, int level) { 
    if (key.length() > 0) { 
     Trie<V> t = childrens.get(key.charAt(0)); 
     if (t != null) { 
      return t._get(key.deleteCharAt(0), ++level); 
     } else { 
      return (level > 0) ? entry.value : null; 

    } else { 
     return entry.value; 

public String toString() { 
    return "Trie [entry=" + entry + ", key=" + key + ", childrens=" 
      + childrens + "]"; 

static public class Entry<V> { 
    String prefix; 
    V value; 

    public Entry() { 

    public Entry(String p, V v) { 
     prefix = p; 
     value = v; 

    public String prefix() { 
     return prefix; 

    public V value() { 
     return value; 

    public String toString() { 
     return "Entry [prefix=" + prefix + ", value=" + value + "]"; 






package tiesImpl; 

import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Iterator; 
import java.util.Map; 

* Prefix table based on Trie structure. Allows to perform incremental lookup 
* and match based on search key prefixes (classic example - determine phone 
* area code for given phone number) 
* @param <V> a type of value object to be stored along with prefix (e.g when 
* key is a country name, the value could be a name of the country) 
* @author Vladimir Kroz 
* https://vkroz.wordpress.com/2012/03/23/prefix-table-trie-implementation-in-java/ 
public class Trie<V> { 

Entry<V> entry; 
char key; 
Map<Character, Trie<V>> children; 

public Trie() { 
    this.children = new HashMap<>(10); 
    entry = new Entry<>(); 

* non-public, used by _put() 
Trie(char key) { 
    this.children = new HashMap<>(10); 
    this.key = key; 
    entry = new Entry<>(); 

public void put(String key, V value) { 
    _put(new StringBuffer(key), new StringBuffer(""), value); 

void _put(StringBuffer remainder, StringBuffer prefix, V value) { 
    if (remainder.length() > 0) { 
     char keyElement = remainder.charAt(0); 
     Trie<V> t = null; 
     try { 
      t = children.get(keyElement); 
     } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { 
     if (t == null) { 
      t = new Trie<>(keyElement); 
      children.put(keyElement, t); 
     t._put(remainder.deleteCharAt(0), prefix, value); 
    } else { 
     this.entry.value = value; 
     this.entry.prefix = prefix.toString(); 


* Retrieves element from prefix table matching as a prefix to provided 
* key. E.g. if key is "37251656565" and prefix table has node "372" then 
* this call will return the value of "372" 
* @param key a string which starts with prefix to be searched in the table 
* (e.g. phone number) 
* @return an Object associated with matching prefix (i.e if key is a phone 
* number it may return a corresponding country name) 
public V get(String key) { 
    return _get(new StringBuffer(key), 0); 

* Returns true if key has matching prefix in the table 
* @param key 
* @return 
public boolean hasPrefix(String key) { 
    return this.get(key) != null; 

V _get(StringBuffer key, int level) { 
    if (key.length() > 0) { 
     Trie<V> t = children.get(key.charAt(0)); 
     if (t != null) { 
      //FYI: modified code to return deepest with value instead of returning null if prefix doesn't have corresponding value. 
      V result = t._get(key.deleteCharAt(0), ++level); 
      return result == null ? entry.value : result; 

     } else { 
      return (level > 0) ? entry.value : null; 

    } else { 
     return entry.value; 

//For debugging 
public String toString() { 

    Iterator<Character> it = children.keySet().iterator(); 
    StringBuffer childs = new StringBuffer(); 

    while (it.hasNext()) { 
     Character _key = it.next(); 
       //Adding a tab to the beginning of every line to create a visual tree 
       String.format("%s: %s", _key, children.get(_key)).replaceAll("(?m)(^)", "\t"))); 

    return String.format("Trie [entry=%s, children=%s]", entry, childs); 

static public class Entry<V> { 

    String prefix; 
    V value; 

    public Entry() { 

    public Entry(String p, V v) { 
     prefix = p; 
     value = v; 

    public String prefix() { 
     return prefix; 

    public V value() { 
     return value; 

    public String toString() { 
     return "Entry [prefix=" + prefix + ", value=" + value + "]"; 


希望這將有助於其他人也! 乾杯!