@echo off
set FirstDay=01
set Month=%date:~4,2%
set Year=%date:~10,4%
if %Month%==01 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate
if %Month%==02 set LastDay=28 & goto foundate
if %Month%==03 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate
if %Month%==04 set LastDay=30 & goto foundate
if %Month%==05 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate
if %Month%==06 set LastDay=30 & goto foundate
if %Month%==07 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate
if %Month%==08 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate
if %Month%==09 set LastDay=30 & goto foundate
if %Month%==10 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate
if %Month%==11 set LastDay=30 & goto foundate
if %Month%==12 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate
echo The year is: %Year%
echo The month is: %Month%
echo First day of this month is: %FirstDay%
echo Last day of this month is: %LastDay%
那個上個月的最後一天呢? – tjonas
@tjonas - 檢查我的edit.It打印上個月的最後一天的日/月/年的日期。如果有其他問題可能會更好地問另一個問題... – npocmaka