2016-05-11 68 views


@echo off 

set FirstDay=01 

set Month=%date:~4,2% 

set Year=%date:~10,4% 

if %Month%==01 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==02 set LastDay=28 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==03 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==04 set LastDay=30 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==05 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==06 set LastDay=30 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==07 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==08 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==09 set LastDay=30 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==10 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==11 set LastDay=30 & goto foundate 
if %Month%==12 set LastDay=31 & goto foundate 

echo The year is: %Year% 
echo The month is: %Month% 
echo First day of this month is: %FirstDay% 
echo Last day of this month is: %LastDay% 




@echo off 

for /f "" %%# in ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get month /format:value') do (
    for /f %%Z in ("%%#") do set /a %%Z-1 
if %month% equ 0 set month=12 
echo %month% 



@echo off 

setlocal disableDelayedExpansion 
for /f "" %%# in ('"WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get month,year /format:value"') do (
    for /f %%Z in ("%%#") do set "%%Z" 
set /a month=month-1 
if %month% equ 0 set month=12 
rem echo %month% -- %year% 
set /A "leap=!(year&3) + (!!(year%%100)-!!(year&15))" 
if %leap% equ 0 (set "m2=29") else (set "m2=28") 

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion 
set m1=31 
set m3=31 
set m4=30 
set m5=31 
set m6=30 
set m7=31 
set m8=31 
set m9=30 
set m10=31 
set m11=30 
set m12=31 

set premonLastDay=!m%month%! 

endlocal & set premonLastDay=%premonLastDay% 
if %month% equ 12 (

     set /a year=year-1 


echo %premonLastDay%-%month%-%year% 


那個上個月的最後一天呢? – tjonas


@tjonas - 檢查我的edit.It打印上個月的最後一天的日/月/年的日期。如果有其他問題可能會更好地問另一個問題... – npocmaka






  • 已內置閏年檢查,因此,如果該年是閏年,Februrary將返回29天。
  • 當複印功能可以將您的文件,請保留作者信息


@echo off 
    :: Recommended to use GetDateIntl function, to get region-independent results (Check functions at the end of this file) 
    call :GetDateIntl Year Month Day /A 
    echo/Using GetDateIntl to get current date: %Year%-%Month%-%day% 

    :: Call function to get last day of this month (Check functions at the end of this file) 
    call :GetLastDayOfMonth %Month% %Year% LastDay 
    echo This month is: %Month%/%Year% 
    echo First day of any month is always 1 
    echo Last day of this month is: %LastDay% 

    :: Get previous month number 
    set /A "PMonth= %Month% - 1" 
    set "PYear=%Year%" 
    :: Correct PMonth and PYear if this month is December 
    if %PMonth%==0 (set "PMonth=12" & set /A "PYear= %PYear% - 1") 

    :: Call function to get last day of previous month (Check function after :main) 
    call :GetLastDayOfMonth %PMonth% %PYear% PLastDay 
    echo Previous month is: %PMonth%/%PYear% 
    echo Last day of previous month is: %PLastDay% 


:GetDateIntl yy mm dd [/A] 
:: Returns the current date on any machine with regional-independent settings 
:: Arguments: 
:: yy = variable name for the year output 
:: mm = variable name for the month output 
:: dd = variable name for the day output 
:: /A = OPTIONAL, removes leading 0 on days/months smaller than 10 
:: By Cyberponk, v1.1 - 11/05/2016 
::   v1.0 - 2015 
if "%date%A" LSS "A" (set toks=1-3) else (set toks=2-4) 
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=(-)" %%a in ('echo:^|date') do (
    for /f "tokens=%toks% delims=.-/ " %%i in ('date/t') do (
    set '%%a'=%%i 
    set '%%b'=%%j 
    set '%%c'=%%k 
if "%'yy'%"=="" set 'yy'=%'aa'% 
if %'yy'% LSS 100 set 'yy'=20%'yy'% 
endlocal&set %1=%'yy'%&set %4 %2=%'mm'%&set %4 %3=%'dd'%&goto :EOF 

:IsLeapYear %year% IsLeap 
:: Checks if a year is a Leap Year (year that has 366 days) 
:: Arguments: 
:: %year% = year number input. Can be a number or a variable containing a 4 digit number 
:: IsLeap = result output containing 1 or 0 (1= is leap year, 0= not yeap lear) 
:: By Cyberponk, v1.1 - 11/05/2016 
    set /A "IsLeap=(!(%1 %% 4) & !!(%1 %% 100)) | !(%1 %% 400)" 
endlocal & set %2=%IsLeap%& goto:EOF 

:GetLastDayOfMonth %month% %year% LastDay 
:: Gets the last day of a given month from a given year 
:: Arguments: 
:: %month% = month number input. Can be a number or a variable containing a number 
:: %year% = year for reference (used to check for leap years) 
:: LastDay = result output containing last day of the specified month 
:: By Cyberponk, v1.0 - 11/05/2016 
    :: Mathematical formula to last day of month 
    set /A "LastDay= 28 + (%1 + (%1/8)) %% 2 + 2 %% %1 + 2 * (1/%1) 

    :: Add 1 day if year is a Leap Year and month is February 
    call :IsLeapYear %2 IsLeap 
    if %LastDay%==28 set /A LastDay=%LastDay% + %IsLeap% 
endlocal & set %3=%LastDay%& goto:EOF 


CMD不附帶本機日期庫,但.NET System.DateTime庫可通過PowerShell使用。以下PS腳本顯示瞭如何使用.NET來完成你所要求的功能。

$lastmonth = (Get-Date).addMonths(-1) 

"The year is $($lastmonth.year)" 
"The month is $($lastmonth.Month)" 
"First day of this month is 01" 
"Last day of this month is $([DateTime]::DaysInMonth($lastmonth.year, $lastmonth.month))" 


powershell.exe -ex bypass -f Get-LastMonthStats.ps1 


powershell -c "$lastmonth = (Get-Date).addMonths(-1); 'The year is ' + $lastmonth.year; 'The month is ' + $lastmonth.Month; 'First day of this month is 01'; 'Last day of this month is ' + [DateTime]::DaysInMonth($lastmonth.year, $lastmonth.month)"