2016-08-05 109 views


['{"activities":[{"activity":"111","interface":"eds","clientIp":"","logTime":1469811993000},{"activity":"121","dbCount":33,"totalHits":24,"query":"TI', 'the', 'plague","searchedFrom":"Unknown","searchType":"And","logTime":1469811994000}],"session":-2147479722,"customerId":"s8905647","groupId":"main","profileId":"eds"}'] 




你的意思是這個列表是一個字符串看起來像字典的單元素列表?或者它應該是一個字典清單? – SO44


您應該在字符串上使用'json.loads()'。這將返回一個更簡單,更高效的字典。 – IanAuld






if i[key] == valueTwo and foundOne and (dictCount - 1) == countHelp: 



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
from __future__ import print_function # You can remove this line if you're using Python 3. 

def searchDictionaries(key, valueOne, valueTwo, myDictionaries): # Define the function with four arguments 
    dictCount = 0 # Initialize the count of dictionaries in the list 
    foundOne = False # Initialize the state for meeting the first condition 
    countHelp = 0 # This will help us determine if the second condition is met in the dictionary right after the first condition was met 
    for i in myDictionaries: # Start looping through the list of dictionaries 
     dictCount = dictCount + 1 # Increase count at every iteration 
      if i[key] == valueOne: # Check if the first condition is met (if the value of activity is 111) 
       foundOne = True # Change the state of meeting the first condition to True 
       countHelp = dictCount # Keep this in case you want to modify the next line to only search in the next dictionary 
      if i[key] == valueTwo and foundOne: # Check if the second condition (activity value of 121) is present in any subsequent dictionary 
       # If you made it here, both conditions were met and you can write to file 
       print(myDictionaries) # Write the whole list of dictionaries to file. Use print(i) if you want to just print the first dictionary where you found 121 after 111 was found. 
       break # Stop searching 
     except Exception as e: # Error handling 
      print('Warning: %s - There is no key %s in dictionary %s.' % (e, e, dictCount)) 


# Your example list of dictionaries 
myListOfDicts = [ 
{'activity': '111', 'interface': 'eds', 'clientIp': '', 'logTime': 1469811993000}, 
{'session': -2147479722, 'dbCount': 33, 'totalHits': 24, 'query': 'TI', 'the': 'plague', 'searchedFrom': 'Unknown', 'searchType': 'And', 'logTime': 1469811994000}, 
{'activity': '121', 'customerId': 's8905647', 'groupId': 'main', 'profileId': 'eds'} 

# Now you can call the function searchDictionaries with your desired values > key, first value, second value, name of your list of dictionaries 
searchDictionaries('activity', '111', '121', myListOfDicts) 




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

# Your example list 
myListOfDicts = ['{"activities":[{"activity":"111","interface":"eds","clientIp":"","logTime":1469811993000},{"activity":"121","dbCount":33,"totalHits":24,"query":"TI', 'the', 'plague","searchedFrom":"Unknown","searchType":"And","logTime":1469811994000}],"session":-2147479722,"customerId":"s8905647","groupId":"main","activity":"111"}'] 

sanitizedList = str(myListOfDicts).replace('"', '') # Convert the list to string and emove double-quotes for simpler search 

activityOne = 'activity:111,' # Set the search pattern for string 1 
activityTwo = 'activity:121,' # Set the search pattern for string 2 
foundFirst = False # Initialize status of whether the first string was found 

search111 = sanitizedList.find(activityOne) # Check position of activity 111 
search121 = sanitizedList.find(activityTwo) # Check position of activity 121 

# Set status of foundFirst to True if activity 111 was found 
if search111 > 0: 
    foundFirst = True 

# If activity 111 was found before activity 121, you can print 
if foundFirst and search111 < search121: 
    print 'Now you can write to file' 




這是很好的解決方案,刪除雙引號是偉大的,並將列表轉換爲字符串是我沒有想到的,仍然是一個初學者..我基本上有一個文件3。500萬行和你在myListOfDicts中添加的行只是其中的1行,我不得不遍歷那個龐大的文件,並且只在存在活動121的地方獲取行,然後是隨後的活動115/116,我可以找到線索從你的代碼..謝謝一噸 –


我也有另一個難題要解決,現在我有200,000行類似於這裏: –
