Private Sub Analyze_90Day_Data_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Declare Variables
Dim FFFile As String
Dim SplitData() As String
Dim DateIter As Long
Dim CurrentDate As Date
Dim FileDate As Date
Dim colSN As String
Dim colSet As String
Dim KPCDate As Date
Dim CMMArray() As Variant
'Remove old data from 21075A KPC
LastRow = Sheets("21075A KPC").Range("G65536").End(xlUp).Row
For SheetRow = 12 To LastRow
Sheets("21075A KPC").Range("G" & SheetRow & ":H" & SheetRow).ClearContents
Next SheetRow
'Populate 21075A KPC with new data
CurrentDate = Date
KPCDate = DateAdd("d", -90, CurrentDate)
CMMArray = Array("Inspcmm1", "Inspcmm2")
For CMM = LBound(CMMArray) To UBound(CMMArray)
With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
CMMFolder = "\\" & CMMArray(CMM) & "\cmm\21075A\OP290"
On Error GoTo ResumeIter
Set CMMFold = .GetFolder(CMMFolder)
For Each SetFolder In CMMFold.SubFolders
FFFile = SetFolder & "\21075A-030-FINALFLOWTOT " & SetFolder.Name & ".txt"
MsgBox SetFolder.Name
FileDate = FileDateTime(FFFile)
If FileDate >= KPCDate Then
LineIter = 0
With .OpenTextFile(FFFile, ForReading)
Do Until .AtEndOfStream
LineIter = LineIter + 1
LineData = .ReadLine
SplitData = Split(LineData)
'Extracting Serial Number
strSN.Add SplitData(0)
'Extracting Final Flow Value
strFF.Add SplitData(2)
End With
End If
Next SetFolder
End With
Next CMM
If strSN.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Neither Brown & Sharpe is online."
Exit Sub
SheetRow = 12
For SNIter = 1 To strSN.Count Step 1
With Sheets("21075A KPC")
.Range("G" & SheetRow).Value = strSN.Item(SNIter)
.Range("H" & SheetRow).Value = strFF.Item(SNIter)
End With
SheetRow = SheetRow + 1
Next SNIter
LastRow = Sheets("21075A KPC").Range("G65536").End(xlUp).Row
With Sheets("21075A KPC")
'Calculate & Populate Means
.Range("H5") = WorksheetFunction.Average(.Range("H12:H" & LastRow))
'Calculate & Populate Standard Deviations
.Range("H6") = WorksheetFunction.StDev(.Range("H12:H" & LastRow))
'Populate 90-Day Reporting Period
.Range("F3") = KPCDate
.Range("F4") = CurrentDate
End With
End If
End Sub
請註釋或以其他方式披露錯誤正在產生的代碼行。如果沒有很多被忽略的東西,沒有人可以真正運行你的代碼,但是如果你告訴我們它發生了什麼,我們可能有機會確定問題所在。 – Jeeped
這可能是因爲他們的數組SplitData在位置2中沒有任何對於正在破解的行和文件有任何意義。 – OpiesDad
@Jeeped,發生錯誤的代碼行是'strSN.Add SplitData(0)'。如果我註釋掉這一行,該錯誤將跳轉到下一行'strFF.Add SplitData(2)'。 – jlynn303