權限。意思是(從Android Manifest DOCS拍攝)...
A permission that the system grants only to applications that are in the Android system image or that are signed with the same certificate as the application that declared the permission. Please avoid using this option, as the signature protection level should be sufficient for most needs and works regardless of exactly where applications are installed. The "signatureOrSystem" permission is used for certain special situations where multiple vendors have applications built into a system image and need to share specific features explicitly because they are being built together.
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Why are these permissions being refused?
Preventing status bar expansion
- 1. 電話狀態權限?
- 2. Android - >狀態欄狀態已更改
- 3. Android以root權限在狀態欄中編程式讀取所有通知
- 4. Android狀態欄是影子
- 5. 狀態欄顏色,Android
- 6. 移動Android狀態欄
- 7. Android喜歡狀態欄?
- 8. 自定義android狀態欄
- 9. Android狀態欄通知
- 10. 自定義狀態欄 - Android
- 11. Android:狀態欄滑塊
- 12. 狀態欄管理器Android
- 13. 從狀態欄的Android
- 14. Android狀態欄圖標
- 15. Android:狀態欄爲白色
- 16. 透明狀態欄Android 4.3
- 17. 隱藏Android狀態欄中
- 18. Android狀態欄中的MusicPlayer
- 19. Android狀態欄中停留
- 20. Phonegap - Android - 狀態欄通知
- 21. Android - 刪除狀態欄
- 22. Android:工具欄狀態欄重疊
- 23. React Native權限不打印狀態
- 24. 更改狀態文件權限
- 25. Android:靜態狀態欄通知
- 26. 權限在欄杆
- 27. Android權限:顯示讀取設備狀態和身份
- 28. Android的棉花糖 - 權限狀態變化
- 29. Android用戶權限 - 修改電話狀態給出錯誤
- 30. Android權限:電話:讀取手機狀態和身份
我害怕這會出現這種情況。我自己的研究似乎也與此相對應..:/無論如何,謝謝你。 – Wakka02
不客氣。 – neo108