2014-02-25 38 views


double類型稱爲等級的陣列已經與 考試成績一類初始化。課程教師希望得分最高,最低分數和所有等級的平均值。


File: C:\Users\Guest\Downloads\grades.java [line: 16] 
Error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to int 
File: C:\Users\Guest\Downloads\grades.java [line: 23] 
Error: grades cannot be resolved to a variable 
File: C:\Users\Guest\Downloads\grades.java [line: 23] 
Error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to int 
import java.util.Scanner; 

public class grades 
// global variable declaration 
static Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in); 
static final double NUM_GRADES = 5; 

public static void main(String[] args) 
     // declare variables 
     double highestGrade = -999999; 
     double lowestGrade = 999999; 
     double sumOfGrades = 0; 
     double avgGrades = 0; 
     double[] scores = new double[NUM_GRADES]; // array is initialized using a final variable 

     // use a for loop to obtain data from user using the final variable 
     for(double index=0; index < NUM_GRADES; ++index) 

      // this puts data into the current array index 
      grades[index] = cin.nextDouble(); 

      // this calculates a running total of all the scores 
      sumOfGrades += grades[index]; 

      // if current score in the array index is bigger than the current 'highestScore' 
      // value, then set 'highestScore' equal to the current value in the array 
      if(grades[index] > highestGrade) 
       highestGrade = grade[index]; 

      // if current score in the array index is smaller than the current 'lowestScore' 
      // value, then set 'lowestScore' equal to the current value in the array 
      if(lowestGrade > grades[index]) 
       lowestGrade = grades[index]; 

      System.out.print("\nThe grade for student #"+(index+1)+" is: "+grades[index]); 

     // display the highest/lowest numbers to the screen 
     System.out.print("\n\nThese are the highest and lowest grades: "); 
     System.out.print("\n\tHighest: "+ highestGrade); 
     System.out.print("\n\tLowest: "+ lowestGrade); 

// find the average 
avgScores = sumOfGrades/NUM_GRADES; 
System.out.print("\nThe average score is: "+ avgGrades); 

// reset data back to 0 so we can find the ommitted average 
sumOfGrades = 0; 
avgGrades = 0; 


難道你不明白什麼這些錯誤?他們似乎不言自明。 –


改爲使用0.0或999.0並查看?除此之外,我沒有看到任何錯誤。 – Mukus


雙精度浮點數。 'NUM_GRADES'是一個雙。它可能有一個像3.2或42.01的值。具有多個元素的數組看起來像什麼?數組的大小(也就是'NUM_GRADES')需要是一個整數。 –






對於「無法從double轉換爲int」錯誤,您可以強制轉換爲轉換爲int grades[index] = (int)cin.nextDouble();,但這相當於從double中「剔除」小數位,並且最終得到的int基本上是「向下舍入」的,如果有意義的話。



請注意,我不是在告訴你,你應該投出雙倍,但你可以。我認爲更合適的解決方案是使用正確的類型。 – KyleM



static final int NUM_GRADES = 5;



  • Error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to int - 要初始化採用雙層的大小,這是不允許的數組,改變NUM_GRADES類型爲int:

    static final int NUM_GRADES = 5; 
  • Error: grades cannot be resolved to a variable - 你沒有一個檔次變量稱爲,這就是編譯器抱怨的原因;可能是你的變量scores應該叫grades

  • Error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to int - 你正在使用雙索引的陣列for loop,將其更改爲int:

    for (int index = 0; index < NUM_GRADES; ++index) 


  • 變量grade在此piec中不存在代碼E:

    if(grades[index] > highestGrade) 
        highestGrade = grade[index]; //<------- change it to grades 
  • 打印()語句外for loop,所以索引變量將無法訪問;移動它的循環

  • avgScores也沒有聲明爲變量中,這也許應該是avgGrades,你在一開始



import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Grade //changed here 
// global variable declaration 
static Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in); 
static final int NUM_GRADES = 5;//changed here 

public static void main(String[] args) 
    // declare variables 
    double highestGrade = -999999; 
    double lowestGrade = 999999; 
    double sumOfGrades = 0; 
    double avgGrades = 0; 
    double[] scores = new double[NUM_GRADES]; // array is initialized using a final variable 

    // use a for loop to obtain data from user using the final variable 
    for(int index=0; index < NUM_GRADES; ++index)//changed here 

     // this puts data into the current array index 
     //changed here 
     scores[index] = cin.nextDouble(); 

     // this calculates a running total of all the scores 
     sumOfGrades += scores[index];//changed here 

     // if current score in the array index is bigger than the current 'highestScore' 
     // value, then set 'highestScore' equal to the current value in the array 
     if(scores[index] > highestGrade) //changed here 
      highestGrade = scores[index]; //changed here 

     // if current score in the array index is smaller than the current 'lowestScore' 
     // value, then set 'lowestScore' equal to the current value in the array 
     if(lowestGrade > scores[index]) 
      lowestGrade = scores[index];//changed here 

     System.out.print("\nThe grade for student #"+(index+1)+" is: "+scores[index]);//changed here 

    // display the highest/lowest numbers to the screen 
    System.out.print("\n\nThese are the highest and lowest grades: "); 
    System.out.print("\n\tHighest: "+ highestGrade); 
    System.out.print("\n\tLowest: "+ lowestGrade); 

// find the average 
avgScores = sumOfGrades/NUM_GRADES; 
System.out.print("\nThe average score is: "+ avgGrades); 

// reset data back to 0 so we can find the ommitted average 
sumOfGrades = 0; 
avgGrades = 0; 


這仍然不能編譯,因爲NUM_GRADES是double類型的,並且用作數組大小:)順便說一句,如果您對已更改內容的評論更具可見性,那將會非常有用 – Melquiades


是的。沒有看到。 – Mukus


這仍然不會編譯,因爲在for循環中,索引是double類型的,用於訪問數組索引:) – Melquiades

if(lowestGrade > grades[index]) 


System.out.print("\nThe grade for student #"+(index+1)+" is: "+grades[index]); 

'索引' 將需要一個int(或澆鑄到它)是一個數組索引。


for(int index=0; index < NUM_GRADES; ++index)