我遇到了很多麻煩了解一下這個任務要求我做的。我是一個絕對的初學者,幾個星期一般學習Java /編程,這對我來說非常困難。所以對於標題中沒有特別說明的道歉。理解這一任務的「總結」
The first input is K, an integer, followed by an arbitrary number a_1, ..., a_N of floating-point numbers.
If K=0, then N is output.
If K > 0, then the a_i are grouped in groups of size K, inside the groups the numbers are multiplied, and all the products are added, yielding the output.
If K < 0, then the summation sums up the reciprocal values of the products.
In the special case K=1 the output thus is a_1 + ... + a_N.
In the case K=-1 the output is 1/a_1 + ... + 1/a_N.
There are two error cases:
If no command-line argument is given, then error-code 1 is to be returned.
If K < 0, and one of a_i = 0, then error-code 2 is to be returned.
In both cases there must be no output.
The return-code of a program is set via System.exit(code);
請注意,程序的返回碼是通過echo $?在命令行上獲得的。 絕對不能有其他輸出。也不允許額外的空格或換行符。
你應該寫一個控制檯應用程序這需要從它的輸入並執行許多Java語句。程序結束後,它將退出代碼返回到控制檯。 –
公平地說,這個規範寫得很差。無論如何,你只需要編寫一些if/else語句(比如'if(K> 0)')做他們希望你做的任何計算,然後大概用'System.out.println'將它打印到控制檯上。 –
此問題更適用於http://programmers.stackexchange.com/ – Salandur