2017-02-20 90 views


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{ 
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){ 

     //references to two objects: EditText and Button 
     final EditText inputName = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.nameET); 
     Button clickB = (Button) findViewById(R.id.showBTN); 
     final EditText inputGpa = (EditText) findViewById(gpaET); 
     final TextView outputa = (TextView) findViewById(messageTV); 

     final int gpaET = 0; 

     //setting up a listener to the clickB 
     clickB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){ 
      public void onClick(View v){ 
       //reading the user name input 
       String userName = inputName.getText().toString(); 

       double n1 = Double.valueOf(inputGpa.getText().toString()); 

       if(gpaET >= 3) { 
        outputa.setText("Hello, " + userName + "With your current gpa, you will be considered for the job."); 
       }else { 
        outputa.setText("Hello, " + userName + "With your current gpa, you will not be considered for the job, sorry."); 

您gpaET設置爲0。 – Serafins




public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity 
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 
     //references to two objects: EditText and Button 
     final EditText inputName = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.nameET); 
     Button clickB = (Button) findViewById(R.id.showBTN); 
     final EditText inputGpa = (EditText) findViewById(gpaET); 
     final TextView outputa = (TextView) findViewById(messageTV); 

     //setting up a listener to the clickB 
     clickB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() 
      public void onClick(View v) 
       //reading the user name input 
       String userName = inputName.getText().toString(); 

       //This is where you get the numeric input 
       double n1 = Double.valueOf(inputGpa.getText().toString()); 

       if(n1 >= 3) { 
        outputa.setText("Hello, " + userName + "With your current gpa, you will be considered for the job."); 

       else { 
        outputa.setText("Hello, " + userName + "With your current gpa, you will not be considered for the job, sorry."); 

