Table Schema
DeviceLogId int
DeviceId int
UserId int
LogDate datetime
112 25 66 2015-07-22 11:02:15.000
332 25 66 2015-07-22 17:29:25.000
555 25 88 2015-07-23 19:09:35.000
779 25 67 2015-07-24 16:23:49.000
1003 29 17 2015-07-18 13:03:04.000
Intime Outtime logdate Incount OutCount
2015-01-01 10:22:29.000 2015-01-01 19:58:43.000 2015-01-01 7 11
2015-01-02 09:52:26.000 2015-01-02 20:25:25.000 2015-01-02 2 2
select e.Intime,e.Outtime,e.logdate,e.Incount,e.OutCount from
select a.intime as Intime,b.outtime as Outtime,c.logdate,c.InCount as Incount,d.OutCount as OutCount from
select min(logdate) intime,cast(LogDate as date) logdate,userid
from DeviceLogs where deviceid in (26,31) and cast(LogDate as date) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-02' and UserId=7
group by cast(LogDate as date), UserId
)a inner join
select max(logdate) outtime,cast(LogDate as date) logdate,userid from DeviceLogs
where deviceid in (25,30) and cast(LogDate as date) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-02' and UserId=7
group by cast(LogDate as date), UserId
) b on a.logdate = b.logdate
left join
select UserId, cast(LogDate as date) logdate ,count(DeviceLogId) as InCount from DeviceLogs
where deviceid in (26,31) and cast(LogDate as date) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-02' and UserId=7
Group by UserId, cast(LogDate as date)
)c on b.logdate = c.logdate
left join
select UserId, cast(LogDate as date) logdate ,count(DeviceLogId) as OutCount from DeviceLogs
where deviceid in (25,30) and cast(LogDate as date) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-02' and UserId=7
Group by UserId, cast(LogDate as date)
)d on c.logdate = d.logdate
所以我想f蝕刻所有用戶數據。 等待回覆
我想檢索所有的用戶數據,並與電網 結合具有更好的性能
表格數據:2014(年)。結果:2015年。你的結果是什麼? –
我已將表格數據更改爲2015 – bharat
和月份,日期? –