2013-07-11 105 views

我試圖進入一個VB6應用程序,這個應用程序爲大約十年前的客戶端編寫,但是間歇性地,我不斷收到這個錯誤。該應用程序有需要時啓動,並在進入爲我提供登錄登錄(我100%肯定它是正確的),給出以下錯誤:請求的操作需要一個OLE DB會話對象 - VB6到SQL Server 2000

請求操作需要OLE DB Session 對象,目前的提供者不支持該對象。


Public Function GetConnected() 

' This function decides which server to connect and makes the connection 

'Determines which connection string to use 
If frmSplash.Text1 = "1" Or frmSplash.Text1 = "apc" Then 'server location 
'determines if the logon contains '1' or 'apc' 
    'APC connection code 
    strSQLServerName = "(Serv1)" 
    strSQLDBUserName = "Use1" 
    strSQLDBPassword = "PW1" 
    strSQLPort = "" 

ElseIf frmSplash.Text1 = "2" Then 
    'Laptop connection string 
    strSQLServerName = "(Serv1)" 
    strSQLDBUserName = "Use2" 
    strSQLDBPassword = "PW2" 
    strSQLPort = "" 
    'Client connection code 
    strSQLServerName = "Serv2 
    strSQLDBUserName = "Use3" 
    strSQLDBPassword = "PW3" 
    strSQLPort = "" 
End If 'server location 

    'If (m_DBConnection Is Nothing) Then 
    Set m_DBConnection = New ADODB.Connection 
    'End If 

    SessionLocation = frmSplash.LocationCombo.Text 

'Connecs to database based on location 
    If frmSplash.LocationCombo.Text = "Loc1" Then 
    strSQLDBName = "ServLoc1" 
    ElseIf frmSplash.LocationCombo.Text = "Loc2" Then 
    strSQLDBName = "ServLoc2" 
    strSQLDBName = "ServLoc3" 
    End If 

'Builds connection string 
    m_DBConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _ 
    "Data Source = '" & strSQLServerName & strSQLPort & "';" & _ 
    "uid=" & strSQLDBUserName & ";" & _ 
    "pwd=" & strSQLDBPassword & ";" & _ 
    "Database=" & strSQLDBName & ";" 

On Error GoTo errorhandler 
    If (m_DBConnection Is Nothing) Then 
     MsgBox "Connection Failed" 
    End If 
Exit Function 

    MsgBox ("Problem with the Server") 
    'MsgBox "Connection State " & GetState(m_DBConnection.State) 
End Function 

Public Function ExecuteSQL(strSQL As String) As ADODB.Recordset 
    'Dim cmd As ADODB.Command 

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command 

    **cmd.ActiveConnection = m_DBConnection** <-----(Error occurs here) 
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText 
    cmd.CommandText = strSQL 

    Set ExecuteSQL = cmd.Execute 

Exit Function 


Public strSQLServerName 'Holds the name of the SQL Server 
Public strSQLDBUserName 'Holds the user name (for SQL Server Authentication) 
Public strSQLDBPassword 'Holds the password (for SQL Server Authentication) 
Public strSQLDBName  'Holds name of a database on the server 
Public strSQLPort  'Holds the Port Number 
Public SessionUser As Integer ' To Track the type of User (3 Levels) 
Public SessionLocation As String ' To Track the DB throughout the Session 
Public m_DBConnection As ADODB.Connection 
Public cmd As ADODB.Command 



連接聲音沒有成功打開,或者在另一行代碼中沒有提到。這個錯誤很容易被調試。 'debug.print'在產生錯誤的行之前的連接狀態。 – Martin



更改錯誤處理以更好地瞭解發生了什麼。既然你正在設置你的連接(設置m_DBConnection =新的ADODB.Connection)到一個新的對象,你的檢查(m_DBConnection是Nothing)並沒有太大的作用,因爲ojbect肯定已經存在。