2015-11-09 91 views


function binary_search(list, lo, hi, key){ 
var mid; 

if (lo > hi) 
    console.log("Key not found\n"); 
mid = Math.floor((lo + hi)/2); 
if (list[mid] == key) 
    console.log("Key found\n"); 
    //return mid; Expected this to return the index where the key was found 
    //but it returns undefined... 
else if (list[mid] > key) 
    binary_search(list, lo, mid - 1, key); 
else if (list[mid] < key) 
    binary_search(list, mid + 1, hi, key); 

binary_search([1,3,5,6,7,9],0,5,1)// logs 'Key found' to the console(working correctly); 

當我試圖在代碼中改變了一些東西(在上面的代碼中的註釋部分顯示),我得到了意想不到的結果,但我不知道爲什麼。再次檢查if (lo > hi)需要什麼,因爲我認爲hi應該總是比lo更高。 hi是否會低於lo?有人可以讓我清楚這些事嗎?


中的兩個'else'條款,你需要'迴歸binary_search(...)'。 – Nayuki


哇!非常感謝。我沒有看到。 – Ayo



試試這個 -

function binarySearch(arr, num, l, r){ 
\t if(arr instanceof Array){ 
    l = isNaN(l) ? 0 : l; 
    r = isNaN(r) ? arr.length - 1: r; 
    let mid = l + 1 + Math.round((r - l)/2 - 1);  
    console.log(l, r, mid, arr[mid]); 
    if(num == arr[mid]){ 
    \t console.log("found"); 
     return mid; 
    if(typeof arr[mid] == "undefined" || l == r){ 
    \t console.log("not found"); return -1; 
    if(num < arr[mid]){ 
    \t console.log("take left"); 
     return binarySearch(arr, num, l, r - mid); 
    console.log("take right"); 
    return binarySearch(arr, num, mid, r); 

console.log(binarySearch([0, 0, 1 ,1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11], 2));