2011-08-26 81 views

我真的很感謝一些幫助。Drupal 7意見3:暴露過濾器,搜索特定的領域


第一個,我想打一個文本框中搜索條件,但有它只能搜索我指定的字段。我會讓它搜索3個字段(搜索全名):名字,中間名,姓氏。他們都在不同的領域。 目前我唯一能夠搜索到的內容是內容類型爲(其中它搜索每個字段,而不僅僅是名稱)的每個TERM。我通過公開這個過濾器來實現這一點:

Search: Search Terms 
The terms to search for. 



爲了您的參考(如果需要),以下是我可以添加的過濾器的類型。 (離線主題:我實際上並不確定「:」格式的文件是什麼)。對於「Content:」過濾器,我只會顯示「名稱」過濾器,因爲還有73個過濾器。許多這些過濾器是從飼料模塊,因爲這是我用來導入我的節點:

Content: First Name (field_cinfo_fname) 
Appears in: node:cadet. 

Content: First Name (field_cinfo_fname:format) 
Appears in: node:cadet. 

Content: Middle Name (field_cinfo_mname) 
Appears in: node:cadet. 

Content: Middle Name (field_cinfo_mname:format) 
Appears in: node:cadet. 

Content: Last Name (field_cinfo_lname) 
Appears in: node:cadet. 

Content: Last Name (field_cinfo_lname:format) 
Appears in: node:cadet. 

Content access: Access 
Filter for content by view access. Not necessary if you are using node as your base table. 

Content revision: Log message 
The log message entered when the revision was created. 

Content revision: Title 
The content title. 

Content revision: Updated date 
The date the node was last updated. 

Content revision: Vid 
The revision ID of the content revision. 

Feeds item: Import date 
Filter on a Feeds Item's import date field. 

Feeds item: Item GUID 
Filter on a Feeds Item's GUID field. 

Feeds item: Item URL 
Filter on a Feeds Item's URL field. 

Feeds item: Owner feed nid 
Filter on Feed Items by the Feed they were generated from using the Node Id of the Feed Node. 

Feeds log: Feed node id 
Filter on a Feeds Source's feed_nid field. 

Feeds log: Importer id 
Filter on an importer id. 

Feeds log: Log time 
The time of the event. 

Feeds log: Request time 
The time of the page request of an event. 

Feeds log: Severity 
Filter on the severity of a log message. 

Feeds source: Feed node id 
Filter on a Feeds Source's feed_nid field. 

File Usage: Entity type 
The type of entity that is related to the file. 

File Usage: Module 
The module managing this file relationship. 

File Usage: Use count 
The number of times the file is used by this entity. 

Page Title: Title 
A Page Title alternative to the Node: Title field. 

Search: Links from 
Other nodes that are linked from the node. 

Search: Links to 
Other nodes that link to the node. 

Search: Search Terms 
The terms to search for. 




Content: First Name (field_cinfo_fname) 
Content: Middle Name (field_cinfo_mname) 
Content: Last Name (field_cinfo_lname) 


我猜你的字段是文本區域,這就是爲什麼你有:格式選項; 'format'是longtext字段類型中的另一列,因此將可用(就像'alt'和'title'可用於圖像字段類型一樣)。


Doh!我想每個人都建立他們的第一個Drupal站點。 – WebMW


如果我正確地理解了這個問題,那麼您有三個名稱字段,並且您想要一個文本框來搜索所有三個字段。最簡單的方法是將這三個字段組合成單個字段,但不能顯示,但可以使用暴露的過濾器進行搜索。一種選擇是使用Auto Nodetitle模塊將節點標題組合爲三個名稱。 (我在人員目錄上做了很多工作,以便給定的條目顯示爲姓氏,名字)。然後,您可以在暴露的過濾器中搜索節點標題。

如果使用標題不是您項目的選項,您可以爲您的內容類型添加另一個字段,例如:full_name,然後編寫一個小模塊來實現hook_node_save,該模塊只需填寫full_name字段爲「first middle最後「每當一個節點被保存。然後從顯示中刪除full_name字段並將其用於您的暴露過濾器。


