2014-04-01 28 views



An error occurred while running: tex2lyx -f"bmc_article.tex""bmc_article.lyx" 

任何幫幫我? 拉希姆


你是什麼操作系統?你是如何安裝LyX的?你使用的是什麼版本的LyX? LyX有幾個Springer模板。他們是否滿足您的需求? (請參閱文件>從模板新建) – scottkosty


我使用Windows 8,我從LyX網站下載並安裝了LyX 2.0.7版。 MikeTex 2.9也是安裝的一部分。我對「BioMed Central的TeX模板」感興趣,它不在「New From Template Folder」 – user3487014


感謝您的信息。看起來您的問題已經在lyx用戶列表中得到解答。如果您需要進一步幫助,請按照說明進行操作,如果您仍然遇到錯誤,請回復lyx用戶的電子郵件,告知您的進展情況以及您嘗試過的內容(即複製其中一個現有佈局) – scottkosty



理查德·赫克回答this thread的LYX用戶郵件列表上的這個問題:

I think you get this error if you do not have a layout file for whatever class the template uses. In this case, the class is bmcart.layout , and unless you wrote a layout file yourself, you do not have one.

Please see Chapter 5 of the Customization manual for information on what layout files are and so forth, if that did not make sense to you. Since bmcart is just a variant of article, you should at least be able to get basic functionality by

(i) copying the article.layout file into your LyX user directory;

(ii) renaming it as bmcart.layout ;

(iii) changing the first line to read:

\DeclareLaTeXClass{Article (BMC)}

(iv) reconfiguring LyX and then attempting to re-import.

Probably a lot of the template will import as ERT, since this layout file says nothing about whatever is different about bmcart.