我已經嘗試了Open Graph的故事與最新的Facebook SDK的斯威夫特整合,但是我收到一個錯誤「泛型參數‘內容’不能推斷」Facebook的OpenGraphContent上swift3
let object: OpenGraphObject = [
"og:type": "books.book",
"og:title": "A Game of Thrones",
"og:description": "In the frozen wastes to the north of Winterfell, sinister and supernatural forces are mustering.",
"books:isbn": "0-553-57340-3"
// Create an action
var action = OpenGraphAction(type: "book.reads")
action["books:book"] = object
// Create the content
var content = OpenGraphShareContent()
content.action = action
content.previewPropertyName = "books:book"
try ShareDialog.show(from: self, content: content) //Here i'm getting "generic parameter 'Content' could not be inferred"
我發現完全相同的問題,但它在我看來這是Facebook建議使用的API? – user3621075