Replaces sMethodName method of oContext with a function which calls the wrapper
with it's list of parameters prepended by a reference to wrapped (original) function.
This provides convenience of allowing conditional calls of the
original function within the wrapper,
unlike a common implementation that supplies "before" and "after"
cross cutting concerns as two separate methods.
wrap() stores a reference to original (unwrapped) function for
subsequent unwrap() calls.
var o = {
test: function(sText) { return sText; }
wrap('test', o, function(fOriginal, sText) {
return 'before ' + fOriginal(sText) + ' after';
o.test('mytext') // returns: "before mytext after"
unwrap('test', o);
o.test('mytext') // returns: "mytext"
function wrap(sMethodName, oContext, fWrapper, oWrapperContext) {
var fOriginal = oContext[sMethodName];
oContext[sMethodName] = function() {
var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return fWrapper.apply(oWrapperContext || oContext, a);
oContext[sMethodName].unwrapped = fOriginal;
Reverts method sMethodName of oContext to reference original function,
the way it was before wrap() call
function unwrap(sMethodName, oContext) {
if (typeof oContext[sMethodName] == 'function') {
oContext[sMethodName] = oContext[sMethodName].unwrapped;
我打算選擇這個作爲正確答案,因爲我認爲這是問題的最完整解決方案,並用任意數量的參數處理函數。乾杯!希望在jQuery中可能會有一個標準的庫函數,但我總是可以將它添加到我們的擴展中。 – 2011-03-10 15:54:26
我做了一個小小的編輯,所以如果在創建包裝器時沒有指定'thisObject',就使用'regular''this'對象。 – Martijn 2011-03-11 08:14:29