我試圖執行這個和平的機器人框架代碼。 我總是在 「運行關鍵字」上遇到錯誤如果語句 錯誤信息:沒有關鍵字,名稱爲'運行關鍵字'如果'$ {checkmessageoutput}'=='發現了預期的飛機ID,即MLH001''。可以「運行關鍵字如果」不運行Robotframework代碼的關鍵字部分
*** Settings ***
Documentation A Test of the TAS-APP-FDD-3
... Kari Dec 2014
Suite Setup fdd attach to application
Library BuiltIn
Library fddlibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Send a valid flight plan
[Template] send a flightplan
FI352 \
Fill out a flight plan missing callsign
[Template] send a flightplan
/ Expected aircraft ID, i.e. MLH001
*** Keyword ***
fill out flight plan
fdd select msg
fdd msg select fpl
fdd msg fpl priority FF
fdd msg fpl ssr 1234
fdd msg fpl flightrules I
fdd msg fpl flighttype S
#fdd msg fpl callsign FI351
fdd msg fpl aircrafttype A310
fdd msg fpl wakecategory H
fdd msg fpl equipmentcommnav SHIR
fdd msg fpl equipmentsurveillance S
fdd msg fpl departureairport BIKF
fdd msg fpl departuretime 0800
fdd msg fpl crusingspeed M080
fdd msg fpl cruisinglevel F300
fdd msg fpl route ALDAN RATSO
fdd msg fpl destinationairport EKCH
fdd msg fpl eet 0300
fdd msg fpl otherinformation Flightplan 1
send a flightplan
[arguments] ${callsign} ${checkmessageoutput}
fill out flight plan
fdd msg fpl callsign ${callsign}
check flight plan ${checkmessageoutput}
Run Keyword If '${checkmessageoutput}' == 'Expected aircraft ID, i.e. MLH001' log to console \nRun send flight plan
ELSE log to console \nRun send no flight plan
check flight plan
[arguments] ${checkmessageoutput}
fdd msg fpl check message
${message}= fdd msg fpl return message
Should be equal ${message} ${checkmessageoutput}
send flight plan
fdd msg fpl send message
display strip
fdd select flights
fdd flights display electronic strip