_tkinter.TclError: bad window path name ".49314384"
from tkinter import *
import tkinter
window = tkinter.Tk() #Here is where we set up the window and it's aesthetics,
window.title("BINARY-SUMZ!!!") #here we give the window a name,
window.geometry("1000x800") #here we give the window a size,
window.wm_iconbitmap('flower3.ico') #and here we give the window an icon.
def Destroy(): #this function destroys any widgets on the current page.
for widget in window.winfo_children():
def StartButton(): #This function starts the game after being clicked on.
print ("Game started from beginning.")
Intro() #This function starts the game after being clicked on.
def Menu(): #Creating a menu function
SumsTitle = tkinter.Label(window, text="BINARY-SUMS!!!", #Here is where we create the title for the menu screen, we give it a name,
fg = "light Green", #a foreground (text) color
bg = "tomato", #a backgorund color
font = "'Bauhaus 93 bold italic")
SumsTitle.pack() #and the text is given a font.
StartButtonWid = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Start Learning!!!",
fg = "tomato",
command= (StartButton))
StartButtonWid.pack() #Setting up the button for the start of the game.
TitleCanvas = tkinter.Canvas(window, bg = "light blue" ,
height = 1000,
width = 1000)
def Intro():
Destroy() #This function works fine
SumsTitle = tkinter.Label(window, text="Welcome!!!", #Here is where we create the title for the menu screen, we give it a name,
fg = "light green", #a foreground (text) color
bg = "tomato", #a backgorund color
height = 1,
width = 14,
font = "'Bauhaus 93 bold italic")
Intro1 = tkinter.Label(window, text='Welcome to BINARY-SUMS!!! The fun, interactive binary learning game! in this game we will be learning about language based topics',
font= "30")
Intro2 = tkinter.Label(window, text='that will be vital to know in your AS computing or computer science exams. Please click the screen to continue.',
font= "30")
IntroCanvas = tkinter.Canvas(window, bg = "light blue" ,
height = 1500,
width = 1000)
IntroCanvas.bind("<Button-1>", Activ1())
def Activ1():
Destroy() #this function crashes.
if __name__ == "__main__":
你會如何解決這個問題? @Lafexlos –
@RobBibb編輯。不知道爲什麼我忘了添加解決方案部分。 – Lafexlos
非常感謝你我愛你。 –