我最近了解了一些關於F-代數的知識: https://www.fpcomplete.com/user/bartosz/understanding-algebras。 我想將這個功能提升到更高級的類型(索引和更高主動)。 此外,我檢查了「給予Haskell促銷」(http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/dimitris/fc-kind-poly.pdf),這是非常有用的,因爲它給我自己模糊的「發明」的名稱。如何使變形與參數化/索引類型一起工作?
有什麼辦法統一這兩種情況?我忽略了一些技巧,還是現在這只是一個限制? 還有其他的事情可以簡化嗎?
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Cata where
-- 'Fix' for indexed types (1 index)
newtype Mu1 f a = Roll1 { unRoll1 :: f (Mu1 f) a }
deriving instance Show (f (Mu1 f) a) => Show (Mu1 f a)
-- 'Fix' for indexed types (2 index)
newtype Mu2 f a b = Roll2 { unRoll2 :: f (Mu2 f) a b }
deriving instance Show (f (Mu2 f) a b) => Show (Mu2 f a b)
-- index-preserving function (1 index)
type s :-> t = forall i. s i -> t i
-- index-preserving function (2 index)
type s :--> t = forall i j. s i j -> t i j
-- indexed functor (1 index)
class IFunctor1 f where
imap1 :: (s :-> t) -> (f s :-> f t)
-- indexed functor (2 index)
class IFunctor2 f where
imap2 :: (s :--> t) -> (f s :--> f t)
-- dummy container type to store a solid result type
-- the shape should follow an indexed type
type family Dummy (x :: i -> k) :: * -> k
type Algebra1 f a = forall t. f ((Dummy f) a) t -> (Dummy f) a t
type Algebra2 f a = forall s t. f ((Dummy f) a) s t -> (Dummy f) a s t
cata1 :: IFunctor1 f => Algebra1 f a -> Mu1 f t -> (Dummy f) a t
cata1 alg = alg . imap1 (cata1 alg) . unRoll1
cata2 :: IFunctor2 f => Algebra2 f a -> Mu2 f s t -> (Dummy f) a s t
cata2 alg = alg . imap2 (cata2 alg) . unRoll2
-- our indexed type, which we want to use in an F-algebra (1 index)
data ExprF1 f t where
ConstI1 :: Int -> ExprF1 f Int
ConstB1 :: Bool -> ExprF1 f Bool
Add1 :: f Int -> f Int -> ExprF1 f Int
Mul1 :: f Int -> f Int -> ExprF1 f Int
If1 :: f Bool -> f t -> f t -> ExprF1 f t
deriving instance (Show (f t), Show (f Bool)) => Show (ExprF1 f t)
-- our indexed type, which we want to use in an F-algebra (2 index)
data ExprF2 f s t where
ConstI2 :: Int -> ExprF2 f Int True
ConstB2 :: Bool -> ExprF2 f Bool True
Add2 :: f Int True -> f Int True -> ExprF2 f Int True
Mul2 :: f Int True -> f Int True -> ExprF2 f Int True
If2 :: f Bool True -> f t True -> f t True -> ExprF2 f t True
deriving instance (Show (f s t), Show (f Bool t)) => Show (ExprF2 f s t)
-- mapper for f-algebra (1 index)
instance IFunctor1 ExprF1 where
imap1 _ (ConstI1 x) = ConstI1 x
imap1 _ (ConstB1 x) = ConstB1 x
imap1 eval (x `Add1` y) = eval x `Add1` eval y
imap1 eval (x `Mul1` y) = eval x `Mul1` eval y
imap1 eval (If1 p t e) = If1 (eval p) (eval t) (eval e)
-- mapper for f-algebra (2 index)
instance IFunctor2 ExprF2 where
imap2 _ (ConstI2 x) = ConstI2 x
imap2 _ (ConstB2 x) = ConstB2 x
imap2 eval (x `Add2` y) = eval x `Add2` eval y
imap2 eval (x `Mul2` y) = eval x `Mul2` eval y
imap2 eval (If2 p t e) = If2 (eval p) (eval t) (eval e)
-- turned into a nested expression
type Expr1 = Mu1 ExprF1
-- turned into a nested expression
type Expr2 = Mu2 ExprF2
-- dummy containers
newtype X1 x y = X1 x deriving Show
newtype X2 x y z = X2 x deriving Show
type instance Dummy ExprF1 = X1
type instance Dummy ExprF2 = X2
-- a simple example agebra that evaluates the expression
-- turning bools into 0/1
alg1 :: Algebra1 ExprF1 Int
alg1 (ConstI1 x) = X1 x
alg1 (ConstB1 False) = X1 0
alg1 (ConstB1 True) = X1 1
alg1 ((X1 x) `Add1` (X1 y)) = X1 $ x + y
alg1 ((X1 x) `Mul1` (X1 y)) = X1 $ x * y
alg1 (If1 (X1 0) _ (X1 e)) = X1 e
alg1 (If1 _ (X1 t) _) = X1 t
alg2 :: Algebra2 ExprF2 Int
alg2 (ConstI2 x) = X2 x
alg2 (ConstB2 False) = X2 0
alg2 (ConstB2 True) = X2 1
alg2 ((X2 x) `Add2` (X2 y)) = X2 $ x + y
alg2 ((X2 x) `Mul2` (X2 y)) = X2 $ x * y
alg2 (If2 (X2 0) _ (X2 e)) = X2 e
alg2 (If2 _ (X2 t) _) = X2 t
-- simple helpers for construction
ci1 :: Int -> Expr1 Int
ci1 = Roll1 . ConstI1
cb1 :: Bool -> Expr1 Bool
cb1 = Roll1 . ConstB1
if1 :: Expr1 Bool -> Expr1 a -> Expr1 a -> Expr1 a
if1 p t e = Roll1 $ If1 p t e
add1 :: Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int
add1 x y = Roll1 $ Add1 x y
mul1 :: Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int
mul1 x y = Roll1 $ Mul1 x y
ci2 :: Int -> Expr2 Int True
ci2 = Roll2 . ConstI2
cb2 :: Bool -> Expr2 Bool True
cb2 = Roll2 . ConstB2
if2 :: Expr2 Bool True -> Expr2 a True-> Expr2 a True -> Expr2 a True
if2 p t e = Roll2 $ If2 p t e
add2 :: Expr2 Int True -> Expr2 Int True -> Expr2 Int True
add2 x y = Roll2 $ Add2 x y
mul2 :: Expr2 Int True -> Expr2 Int True -> Expr2 Int True
mul2 x y = Roll2 $ Mul2 x y
-- test case
test1 :: Expr1 Int
test1 = if1 (cb1 True)
(ci1 3 `mul1` ci1 4 `add1` ci1 5)
(ci1 2)
test2 :: Expr2 Int True
test2 = if2 (cb2 True)
(ci2 3 `mul2` ci2 4 `add2` ci2 5)
(ci2 2)
main :: IO()
main = let (X1 x1) = cata1 alg1 test1
(X2 x2) = cata2 alg2 test2
in do print x1
print x2
對索引而不是使用兩個索引更統一。我的建議是,在處理索引集時,只要可能就使用一個索引,並利用您的自由來構建具有提升類型的索引。 1,2,4,8,指數的時間! – pigworker
@pigworker:是的,這確實是一個很好的解決方法。 然後我只需要cata1和朋友。 –
__Good__問題,挑起偉大的一個偉大的答案。不可能有很多標籤,你可以從基礎到崇高。耶Haskell。 – AndrewC