基於下面的代碼,如果我提供的id屬於父節點,我可以選擇樹視圖中的節點,例如:1.但是,當我提供子節點的id例如:2.1,它無法從代碼級別選擇節點。 以下是我目前使用的代碼:AngularJS kendo treeview編程選擇的子節點
<div id="example" ng-app="KendoDemos">
<div class="demo-section k-content" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div class="box-col">
<div kendo-tree-view="tree"
k-on-change="selectedItem = dataItem">
<span k-template>
angular.module("KendoDemos", [ "kendo.directives" ])
.controller("MyCtrl", ["$scope", "$timeout", function($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.treeData = new kendo.data.HierarchicalDataSource({
data: [
{ text: "Item 1", id: 1 },
{ text: "Item 2", id: 2, items: [
{ text: "SubItem 2.1", id: 2.1 },
{ text: "SubItem 2.2", id: 2.2 }
] },
{ text: "Item 3", id: 3 }
$scope.click = function(dataItem) {
$scope.selectNode = function(id) {
$scope.branchId = id;
var item = $scope.treeData._data.find(findKendoBranchById);
var node = $scope.tree.findByUid(item.uid);
function findKendoBranchById(item, index, kendo) {
var isThisBranch = false;
if (item.id == null) {
isThisBranch = item.text == $scope.branchId;
} else {
isThisBranch = item.id == $scope.branchId;
return isThisBranch;
$timeout(function() {
//when this runs, will show the error below
}, 2000);
VM1703 angular.min.js:107 TypeError: Cannot read property 'uid' of undefined
at n.$scope.selectNode (<anonymous>:20:50)
at <anonymous>:38:18
at VM1703 angular.min.js:146
at e (VM1703 angular.min.js:43)
at VM1703 angular.min.js:45