我有一個NSMutableArray我與分配:的NSMutableArray removeObjectAtIndex:行爲
NSMutableArray *newElements = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:self.currentScene.elements, nil];
//selectedElement is assigned somewhere above this, shouldn't be relevant since it's the same object as the one in the array
int indexToRemove = [self.currentScene.elements indexOfObject:selectedElement];
po newElements
(NSMutableArray *) $2 = 0x08c74e90 <__NSArrayM 0x8c74e90>(
<__NSArrayM 0x8c52e60>(
<StoryTextElement: 0x12ac6e00>,
<StoryTextElement: 0x8ca1a50>
(lldb) po selectedElement
(StoryElement *) $3 = 0x08ca1a50 <StoryTextElement: 0x8ca1a50>
我; M嘗試與刪除對象,具有:
NSLog(@"count: %d", [newElements count]); // prints count: 1
[newElements removeObject:selectedElement];
NSLog(@"count: %d", [newElements count]); // prints count: 1
[newElements removeObjectAtIndex:indexToRemove]; // throws an exception. indexToRemove is 1 in the debugger
NSLog(@"count: %d", [newElements count]);
哦,明顯的錯誤。謝謝,我從來沒有發現過。 – Echilon