2016-05-31 43 views

,當我開始AEM例如,在控制檯中我看到validation.properties FileNotFound錯誤AEM 6.2啓動錯誤ESAPI目錄或文件不可讀


Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.379 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.home=crx-quickstart (command line) 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.395 *INFO * [main] Starting Apache Sling in D:\AEM 6.2\crx-quickstart 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.395 *INFO * [main] Sling Extension Lib Home : D:\AEM 6.2\crx-quickstart\launchpad\ext 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.395 *INFO * [Apache Sling Control [email protected]/] Apache Sling Control Listener started 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.410 *INFO * [main] Checking launcher JAR in folder D:\AEM 6.2\crx-quickstart\launchpad 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.426 *INFO * [main] Existing launcher is up to date, using it: (org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.jar) 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.441 *INFO * [main] Loading launcher class org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.app.MainDelegate from org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.jar 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.444 *INFO * [main] External Libs Home (ext) is null or does not exists. 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.459 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.properties=conf/sling.properties 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.461 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.home=crx-quickstart 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.463 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.launchpad=D:\AEM 6.2\crx-quickstart\launchpad 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.464 *INFO * [main] Setting org.osgi.service.http.port=4502 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.465 *INFO * [main] Starting launcher ... 
31.05.2016 17:24:26.476 *INFO * [main] HTTP server port: 4502 
31.05.2016 17:24:27.706 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log.logback.internal.Activator LogbackManager initialized at bundle startup 
31.05.2016 17:24:27.726 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.logservice Service [org.apache.sling.commons.logservice.internal.LogServiceFactory,18, [org.osgi.service.log.LogService]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED 
31.05.2016 17:24:27.731 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.logservice Service [org.apache.sling.commons.logservice.internal.LogReaderServiceFactory,19, [org.osgi.service.log.LogReaderService]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED 
31.05.2016 17:24:27.736 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.logservice BundleEvent STARTED 
31.05.2016 17:24:27.740 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.core BundleEvent RESOLVED 
31.05.2016 17:24:27.740 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.core BundleEvent STARTING 
**Attempting to load ESAPI.properties via file I/O. 
Attempting to load ESAPI.properties as resource file via file I/O. 
Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: D:\AEM 6.2\ESAPI.properties 
Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi\ESAPI.properties 
Not found in 'user.home' (C:\Users\Raj Kumar) directory: C:\Users\Raj Kumar\esapi\ESAPI.properties 
Loading ESAPI.properties via file I/O failed. Exception was: java.io.FileNotFoundException 
Attempting to load ESAPI.properties via the classpath. 
SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ESAPI.properties via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using class loader for DefaultSecurityConfiguration class! 
Attempting to load validation.properties via file I/O. 
Attempting to load validation.properties as resource file via file I/O. 
Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: D:\AEM 6.2\validation.properties 
Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi\validation.properties 
Not found in 'user.home' (C:\Users\Raj Kumar) directory: C:\Users\Raj Kumar\esapi\validation.properties 
Loading validation.properties via file I/O failed. 
Attempting to load validation.properties via the classpath.** 
SUCCESSFULLY LOADED validation.properties via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using class loader for DefaultSecurityConfiguration class! 
RAWProcessor succesfully installed 
31.05.2016 17:24:52.803 *INFO * [main] Startup completed 


Attempting to load ESAPI.properties via file I/O. 
    Attempting to load ESAPI.properties as resource file via file I/O. 
    Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: D:\AEM 6.2\ESAPI.properties 
    Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi\ESAPI.properties 
    Not found in 'user.home' (C:\Users\Raj Kumar) directory: C:\Users\Raj Kumar\esapi\ESAPI.properties 
    Loading ESAPI.properties via file I/O failed. Exception was: java.io.FileNotFoundException 
    Attempting to load ESAPI.properties via the classpath. 
    SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ESAPI.properties via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using class loader for DefaultSecurityConfiguration class! 
    Attempting to load validation.properties via file I/O. 
    Attempting to load validation.properties as resource file via file I/O. 
    Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: D:\AEM 6.2\validation.properties 
    Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi\validation.properties 
    Not found in 'user.home' (C:\Users\Raj Kumar) directory: C:\Users\Raj Kumar\esapi\validation.properties 
    Loading validation.properties via file I/O failed. 
    Attempting to load validation.properties via the classpath. 



我也看到了CQ 5.6的同樣的錯誤,但沒有得到它的根本原因的想法。 任何人都可以解釋?




validation.properties文件在「com.day.cq.cq-xssprotection」中使用。捆綁 看看它包含

  1. 轉到菲利克斯控制檯(http://host:port/system/console/bundles/)找出命名爲「Adobe花崗岩XSS保護(com.day.cq.cq-xssprotection)」的包數。
  2. 轉到your-aem-instalation-folder \ crx-quickstart \ launchpad \ felix,並找到具有相同捆綁號碼的文件夾。
  3. 將包文件夾中的包與一些默認版本0.0複製到某個路徑。
  4. 使用任何反編譯器,看看會有ESAPI.properties,其中將包含validation.properties條目,並且在同一級別,您將擁有一個也包含在同一個bundle中的validation.properties文件。 enter image description here


enter image description here

您可以在下面找到關於它的更多細節。 https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Enterprise_Security_API

而定製vaidator屬性文件,你可以嘗試 https://www.owasp.org/index.php/ESAPI_Getting_Started_Guide
