// Represents a card used to purchase food services at a university
public class FoodServicesCard {
// points needed to get cash-back reward
public static int POINTS_NEEDED_FOR_CASH_BACK = 2000;
// points earned for each cent charged to card
public static int REWARD_POINTS_PER_CENT_CHARGED = 1;
// reward in cents
public static int CASH_BACK_REWARD = 10;
// add fields to represent changing properties of a food services card
// -> here is where I start coding, however, I'm uncertain where to start.
唯一一個我能想到的是INT但看起來這張牌由兩個int組成:獎勵點和現金餘額;我不確定是否有東西可以將兩個整數組合在一起形成像這樣的東西...也許是這樣的:int reward_pt,int cash_remain;用int來表示餐飲服務卡的結構。
將多個變量分組在一起正是類和對象的要點。因此,你的問題對我來說有點不清楚。爲什麼你的解決方案「'int reward_pt; int cash_remain;'」不工作? – Beethoven