我試圖讓一個程序在用戶放入某些愚蠢的東西時不接受代碼錯誤。比如爲一個整數輸入一個字符串,我不知道現在要做什麼。我寫了隨機的東西,因爲它說我沒有足夠的細節,儘管我已經寫了一整段。C++ cin.fail()while循環
void scoretoletter::letter() {
int a = 0;
int question;
while (a == 0) {
cout << "1.Rectangle" << endl;
cout << "2.Triangle" << endl;
cout << "3.Circle" << endl;
cout << "4.Exit" << endl;
float area;
float Width;
float Length;
float Height;
float base;
float radius;
int l;
cin >> question;
if (question == 1) {
cout << "Whats your length?" << endl;
cin >> Length;
if (cin.fail()) {
cout << "That is not valid try again" << endl;
else {
cout << "Whats your width?" << endl;
cin >> Width;
if (cin.fail()) {
cout << "That is not valid try again" << endl;
else {
if (Length == 0 || Width == 0) {
cout << "That is not valid try again." << endl;
else {
area = Length * Width;
cout << "The area is: " << area << endl;
else if (question == 2) {
cout << "What is the Base?" << endl;
cin >> base;
if (cin.fail()) {
cout << "That is not valid try again." << endl;
else {
cout << "What is the Height?" << endl;
cin >> Height;
if (cin.fail()) {
cout << "That is not valid try again." << endl;
else {
if (base == 0 || Height == 0 || cin.fail()) {
cout << "That is not valid try again." << endl;
else {
area = base * Height * .5;
cout << "The area is: " << area << endl;
else if (question == 3) {
cout << "What is the radius?" << endl;
cin >> radius;
if (radius == 0 || cin.fail()) {
cout << "That is not valid try again." << endl;
else {
area = radius * radius * 3.14;
cout << "The area is: " << area << endl;
else if (question == 4) {
a = 1;
else {
cout << "That is not valid try again." << endl;
考慮定義一個函數來執行「int」的輸入。它可以有一個內部循環,要求用戶再次嘗試。重要的是不要讓'cin'處於失敗狀態(因爲它忽略了進一步的輸入),所以在這個函數中,我推薦使用''頭中的'getline',以一個字符串的形式讀入一行,然後' stoi'或任何要轉換爲'int'的東西。 –
或者,可以用'std :: cin.clear()清除錯誤' – spectras