2015-09-14 26 views

我正在通過這個直截了當的firebase隊列示例工作。 我讓工作人員接收任務並完成任務,但由於某些原因,任務正在丟失。Firebase firebase隊列工作人員沒有收到所有任務似乎要丟棄的任務



var Queue = require('firebase-queue'), 
     Firebase = require('firebase'); 

    var ref = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL); 

    // oauth custom token. (create a custom token from dashboard) 
    // TODO add a catch. 
    ref.authWithCustomToken(BIG_SECRET, function(err, authData){ 
     if (err) { 
     console.log("Login failed with error: ", error); 
     } else { 
     console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload: ", authData); 

    var options = { 
    specId: 'task_1', 
    numWorkers: 1 

    // need to learn more about specs... 
    task_1: { 
     in_progress_state: 'task_1_in_progress', 
     //finished_state: 'spec_1_finished', // this appears to be used for a pipeline of tasks! 
     timeout: 100000 // timeout for the queued item... 

    var numCalled = 0; 

    * @param data The json object representing the task. 
    * @param progress A function we can call to declare progress so far. 
    * @param resolve A function to call when the task is completed. 
    * @param reject A function to call if the data isn't good. (not sure how this ties in bigger scheme) 

    var queue = new Queue(ref.child('queue'), options, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) { 
    console.log('queue is doing something' + numCalled); 


    // the injected progress is a way to indicate amount of task completed. 

    // Finish the task asynchronously 
    // setTimeout(function() { 
    // }, 1000); 

    // going to exercise the queue I think.. LOL 
    var ref = new Firebase("https://torrid-heat-1819.firebaseio.com/queue/tasks"); 

    // setting the state seems like a bad idea. 
    //ref.push({"a": "b","_state": "task_1_in_progress"}); 
    //ref.push({"c": "d","_state": "task_1_in_progress"}); 
    //ref.push({"e": "f","_state": "task_1_in_progress"}); 

    //make 20 requests.. 
    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { 
    // this seems to delay execution... 
    //setTimeout(function() {  
     ref.push({"count": i}); 
    // }, 10); 

這裏是輸出 -

queue is doing something1 
{ count: 0 } 
queue is doing something2 
{ count: 2 } 
queue is doing something3 
{ count: 3 } 
queue is doing something4 
{ count: 4 } 
queue is doing something5 
{ count: 6 } 
queue is doing something6 
{ count: 7 } 
queue is doing something7 
{ count: 8 } 
queue is doing something8 
{ count: 9 } 
queue is doing something9 
{ count: 10 } 
queue is doing something10 
{ count: 12 } 
queue is doing something11 
{ count: 13 } 
queue is doing something12 
{ count: 14 } 
queue is doing something13 
{ count: 15 } 
queue is doing something14 
{ count: 16 } 
queue is doing something15 
{ count: 17 } 
queue is doing something16 
{ count: 19 } 



"dependencies": { 
    "firebase": "2.x", 
    "firebase-queue": "x", 
    "lodash": "~3.7.0", 
    "rsvp": "3.x", 
    "node-uuid": "1.4.x", 
    "winston": "1.x" 

您正在運行哪個節點版本的節點? –


Frank,版本是v0.12.7。我添加了gulp依賴關係。由於代碼非常簡單,我覺得我必須在某處犯錯誤。 –




var Queue = require('firebase-queue'), 
Firebase = require('firebase'); 

var ref = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL); 

// oauth custom token. (create a custom token from dashboard) 
// TODO add a catch. 
ref.authWithCustomToken(BIG_SECRET, function(err, authData){ 
    if (err) { 
    console.log("Login failed with error: ", error); 
    } else { 
    console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload: ", authData); 

var options = { 
    specId: 'task_1', 
    numWorkers: 1 

// need to learn more about specs... 
    task_1: { 
    in_progress_state: 'task_1_in_progress', 
    //finished_state: 'spec_1_finished', // this appears to be used for a pipeline of tasks! 
    timeout: 100000 // timeout for the queued item... 

var numCalled = 0; 

* @param data The json object representing the task. 
* @param progress A function we can call to declare progress so far. 
* @param resolve A function to call when the task is completed. 
* @param reject A function to call if the data isn't good. (not sure how this ties in bigger scheme) 

var queue = new Queue(ref.child('queue'), options, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) { 
    console.log('queue is doing something' + numCalled); 


    // the injected progress is a way to indicate amount of task completed. 

    // Finish the task asynchronously 
    // setTimeout(function() { 
    // }, 1000); 

// going to exercise the queue I think.. LOL 
var ref = new Firebase("https://torrid-heat-1819.firebaseio.com/queue/tasks"); 

// setting the state seems like a bad idea. 
//ref.push({"a": "b","_state": "task_1_in_progress"}); 
//ref.push({"c": "d","_state": "task_1_in_progress"}); 
//ref.push({"e": "f","_state": "task_1_in_progress"}); 

//make 20 requests.. 
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { 
    // this seems to delay execution... 
    //setTimeout(function() {  
    ref.push({"count": i}); 
    // }, 10); 