2017-02-23 105 views



4778 ,1145 ,1994 ,2075 ,5940 ,762 ,1403 ,1446 ,4263 ,111 ,745 ,3231 ,1625 ,3467 ,3543 ,1455 ,94 ,3678 ,3775 ,3092 ,1883 ,529 ,649 ,139 ,902 ,180 


public Letter chooseOnWeight(List<Letter> letterNew) { 

    int completeWeight = 0; 
    int completeWeightUpdated = 0; 
    List<Integer> updatedWeightList = new ArrayList<>(); 
    for (Letter letter : letterNew) { 
     updatedWeightList = letter.getWeight(); 
     for (int i = 0; i < updatedWeightList.size(); i++) { 
      completeWeight += updatedWeightList.get(i); 

     completeWeightUpdated += completeWeight; 

    int countWeightUpdated = 0; 
    List<Integer> updatedCountList = new ArrayList<>(); 
    double r = Math.random() * completeWeight; 
    double countWeight = 0.0; 
    for (Letter letter : letterNew) { 
     updatedCountList = letter.getWeight(); 
     for (int i = 0; i < updatedWeightList.size(); i++) { 
      countWeight += updatedCountList.get(i); 
     countWeightUpdated += countWeight; 

     if (countWeightUpdated >= r) { 
      return letter; 
    throw new RuntimeException("Should never be shown."); 

信件類,其中包含getWeight ()函數:

public class Letter { 
    char name; 
    List<Integer> weight; 

    public Letter(char name){ 
     this.name = name; 

    public char getName() { 
     return name; 

    public List<Integer> getWeight() { 
     return weight; 

    public void setWeight(List<Integer> weight) { 
     this.weight = weight; 




也許向我們展示您的getWeight方法 –


現在將添加getWeight() – statsguyz


創建一個TreeMap <整數,字符>,其中密鑰是該字母的累計權重(4778爲A,4778 + 1145爲B,4778 + C + 1145 + 1994等),其值爲字母。在這個列表上需要一次通過。生成一個介於0和Z的累計權重之間的隨機數,然後調用map.ceilingEntry()來查找與此隨機數對應的字母。 –



重置countWeight0在第二個主循環的每次迭代之後,其中您遍歷letterNew中的每個Letter。因爲通過不重置countWeightcountWeightUpdated的預期值將在內部for循環之後受影響,其中將按updatedCountList中的字長增加。在此內循環之後,countWeightUpdated應該只會遞增當前迭代的當前Letter的總權重值,而不是迄今爲止所有實例Letter的總權重。例如,如果a的總重量爲1000,b的總重量爲1100,c的總重量爲1200,則在迭代完成後,您希望countWeightUpdated的值僅爲1000 + 1100 + 1200 = 3300 ,b和c。但是,您的循環會執行以下添加,而不是1000 + 2100 + 3300 = 8400,因爲每次迭代後countWeight將是之前查看的所有字母的總重量,而不是每個字母的重量。 2100來自(1000 + 1100),3300來自(1000 + 1100 + 1200)。因此,這將限制返回到較短範圍的字母範圍。解決方法是簡單的,

for (Letter letter : letterNew) { 
    updatedCountList = letter.getWeight(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < updatedWeightList.size(); i++) { 
     countWeight += updatedCountList.get(i); 
    countWeightUpdated += countWeight; 
    countWeight = 0; //THIS IS THE FIX 
    if (countWeightUpdated >= r) { 
     return letter; 
