2017-03-16 88 views

我正在嘗試構建用戶必須對某些詞進行排名的腳本。我試圖保持比分uo迄今爲止,但它一直出錯。當我測試代碼並且回答AB時,東方的結果等於5.結果應該是orientaal = 3和bloemig = 2.這是我所做的代碼(我不是很有經驗):通過IF語句添加分數

var orientaal = 0; 
var houtig = 0; 
var bloemig = 0; 
var aromatisch = 0; 
var chypre = 0; 
var citrus = 0; 

var q1 = prompt('Welk element spreekt jou het meest aan? Zet de letters van hoog naar laag (Bijv. DBAC). \n A. Vuur \n B. Lucht \n C. Aarde \n D. Water') 

if(q1.charAt(0) == 'A' || 'a') { 
    orientaal = orientaal + 3; 
}else if(q1.charAt(0) == 'B' || 'b') { 
    bloemig = bloemig + 3; 
}else if(q1.charAt(0) == 'C' || 'c') { 
    houtig = houtig + 3; 
}else if(q1.charAt(0) == 'D' || 'd') { 
    citrus = citrus + 3; 

if(q1.charAt(1) == 'A' || 'a') { 
    orientaal = orientaal + 2; 
}else if(q1.charAt(1) == 'B' || 'b') { 
    bloemig = bloemig + 2; 
}else if(q1.charAt(1) == 'C' || 'c') { 
    houtig = houtig + 2; 
}else if(q1.charAt(1) == 'D' || 'd') { 
    citrus = citrus + 2; 

console.log('orientaal = ' + orientaal); 
console.log('houtig = ' + houtig); 
console.log('bloemig = ' + bloemig); 
console.log('aromatisch = ' + aromatisch); 
console.log('chypre = ' + chypre); 
console.log('citrus = ' + citrus); 

'if(q1.charAt(0)=='A'||'a')'不會做你認爲的事情。在if語句if(q1.charAt(1)=='A'|| q1.charAt(1)=='a')中更改像這樣( –


) –



if(q1.charAt(0) == 'A' || 'a')不符合你的想法。具體而言,該說




switch(q1[0]) { // strings can be accessed as arrays of characters 
    case 'A': 
    case 'a': 
    orientaal += 3; 
    case 'B': 
    case 'b': 
    // ....... 


var orientaal = 0; 
var houtig = 0; 
var bloemig = 0; 
var aromatisch = 0; 
var chypre = 0; 
var citrus = 0; 

var q1 = prompt('Welk element spreekt jou het meest aan? Zet de letters van hoog naar laag (Bijv. DBAC). \n A. Vuur \n B. Lucht \n C. Aarde \n D. Water'); 

    case 'a': 
    case 'b': 
    case 'c': 
    case 'd': 

console.log('orientaal = ' + orientaal); 
console.log('houtig = ' + houtig); 
console.log('bloemig = ' + bloemig); 
console.log('aromatisch = ' + aromatisch); 
console.log('chypre = ' + chypre); 
console.log('citrus = ' + citrus);


如果排名總是相同,名稱最上面的答案會得到+3,第二個+2,第三個+1和最後一個+0到它的關聯actegory,你可以通過使用一些數據結構簡化這個整個計算。 基本上,您只需要將每個可能的答案與一個類別相關聯,然後將所有分數統計在一起。



// Array with all used categories 
var categories = [ 
    // Array containing all the questions and the category of each answer 
    questions = [ 
      'text' : 'Welk element spreekt jou het meest aan? Zet de letters van hoog naar laag (Bijv. DBAC).', 
      'answers' : { 
       'A' : { 
        'val' : 'Vuur', 
        'category' : 'orientaal' 
       'B' : { 
        'val' : 'Lucht', 
        'category' : 'bloemig' 
       'C' : { 
        'val' : 'Aarde', 
        'category' : 'houtig' 
       'D' : { 
        'val' : 'Water', 
        'category' : 'citrus' 
     }, { 
      'text' : 'Welk dier spreekt jou het meeste aan?', 
      'answers' : { 
       'A' : { 
        'val' : 'Draak', 
        'category' : 'orientaal' 
       'B' : { 
        'val' : 'Arend', 
        'category' : 'aromatisch' 
       'C' : { 
        'val' : 'Wolf', 
        'category' : 'houtig' 
       'D' : { 
        'val' : 'Slang', 
        'category' : 'chypre' 
     }, { 
      'text' : 'Welke locatie spreekt je het meeste aan?', 
      'answers' : {    
       'A' : { 
        'val' : 'Dennenbos', 
        'category' : 'houtig' 
       'B' : { 
        'val' : 'Steppe', 
        'category' : 'orientaal' 
       'C' : { 
        'val' : 'Oerwoud', 
        'category' : 'citrus' 
       'D' : { 
        'val' : 'Heide', 
        'category' : 'bloemig' 
    // Array to save the answers of the user. 
    userAnswers = [], 
    // Var to create the results. 

// Let's 'fake' an interface that asks the questions. Replace this with your own form and functions that push the answers to the userAnswers array. 
questions.forEach(function(questionObj, index) { 
     // Create the text for the possible answers from our questionObject. 
    var answerText = Object.keys(questionObj.answers).map(function(letter) { 
      // We just return the letter, plus a dot, plus the value corresponding with that letter. 
      return letter + '.: ' + questionObj.answers[ letter ].val; 
     }).join(', '), 
     // Ask the question, using the text inside our questionObj. 
     prompt = window.prompt('Vraag ' + (index + 1) + ': ' + questionObj.text + ' ' + answerText, ''); 
    // Check if a 'valid' answer was entered. This should be expanded to also check that the input consists of some combination of ABCD 
    // if (prompt && prompt.length === 4) userAnswers.push(prompt); 
    // else alert('Gelieve alle 4 de letters in volgorde te zetten'); 
    // But for now we'll just accept any answer for testing purposes. 
// Now let's check the score of the answers. We can reduce the users' answers into one value object that we can create by reducing our categories into a 'score list': A plain object with the category as the key adn the count as the value. 
scoreList = userAnswers.reduce(function(scoreList, answer, index) { 
    // Since our answers are in the same order as our questions, we can just use the idnex to get the question associated with this answer. 
    var questionObj = questions[ index ], 
     // By splitting the answer, we get an array containing the 4 individual letters. 
     answerLetters = answer.split(''); 
    // For each letter that is part of the answer, add the correct value to our score list. 
    answerLetters.forEach(function(letter, index) { 
     // The answered letter gives us the correct category 
     var category = questionObj.answers[ letter ].category; 
     // We can just use a static array to transform the index into the score: index 0 = score 3, i1 = s2, i2 = s1, i3 = s0 
     scoreList[ category ] += [ 3, 2, 1, 0 ][ index ]; 
    return scoreList; 
}, categories.reduce(function(scoreList, category) { 
    scoreList[ category ] = 0; 
    return scoreList; 
}, {})); 
// Report the results 