2015-09-15 47 views


(function() { 

'use strict'; 

    .controller('MainController', MainController); 

    function MainController(province) { 

     var vm = this; 

     // The model object that we reference 
     // on the <formly-form> element in index.html 
     vm.rental = {}; 

     // An array of our form fields with configuration 
     // and options set. We make reference to this in 
     // the 'fields' attribute on the <formly-form> element 
     vm.rentalFields = [ 
       key: 'first_name', 
       type: 'input', 
       templateOptions: { 
        type: 'text', 
        label: 'First Name', 
        placeholder: 'Enter your first name', 
        required: true 
       key: 'last_name', 
       type: 'input', 
       templateOptions: { 
        type: 'text', 
        label: 'Last Name', 
        placeholder: 'Enter your last name', 
        required: true 
       key: 'email', 
       type: 'input', 
       templateOptions: { 
        type: 'email', 
        label: 'Email address', 
        placeholder: 'Enter email', 
        required: true 
       key: 'under25', 
       type: 'checkbox', 
       templateOptions: { 
        label: 'Are you under 25?', 
       // Hide this field if we don't have 
       // any valid input in the email field 
       hideExpression: '!model.email' 
       key: 'province', 
       type: 'select', 
       templateOptions: { 
        label: 'Province/Territory', 
        // Call our province service to get a list 
        // of provinces and territories 
        options: province.getProvinces()     
       hideExpression: '!model.email' 
       key: 'license', 
       type: 'input', 
       templateOptions: { 
        label: 'Driver\'s License Number', 
        placeholder: 'Enter your drivers license number' 
       hideExpression: "(!model.province == 'ontario')", 
       validators: { 
        // Custom validator to check whether the driver's license 
        // number that the user enters is valid or not 
        driversLicense: function($viewValue, $modelValue, scope) { 
         var value = $modelValue || $viewValue; 
         if(value) { 
          // call the validateDriversLicense function 
          // which either returns true or false 
          // depending on whether the entry is valid 
          return validateDriversLicence(value) 
       key: 'insurance', 
       type: 'input', 
       templateOptions: { 
        label: 'Insurance Policy Number', 
        placeholder: 'Enter your insurance policy number' 
       hideExpression: '!model.under25 || !model.province', 


     // Tests the input based on a helpful regular expression 
     // gratefully borrowed from jQuery.formance by Omar Shammas 
     // https://github.com/omarshammas/jquery.formance 
     function validateDriversLicence(value) { 
      return /[A-Za-z]\d{4}[\s|\-]*\d{5}[\s|\-]*\d{5}$/.test(value); 





P.S:填寫表格中看到 「省/地區」 下拉
