SWT DateTime控件根本不支持這一點。
我建議CalendarCombo來自Eclipse Nebula項目。
如果這仍然對任何人都有用 - 我遇到同樣的問題,這意味着UI上的字段必須顯示日期或空值:因爲沒有選擇的日期也是有效的輸入。 雖然SWT DateTime必須顯示某種日期,但通過簡單地製作標籤和按鈕來引入另一級別的間接方式並不是問題 - 它看起來像DateTime:Then按鈕在單獨的模式窗口中調用DateTime。在用戶做出選擇之後,我們將結果寫回到應用程序窗口中的標籤。您還可以在模態窗口中添加另一個按鈕並將其稱爲沒有。如果用戶單擊NONE,則清除應用程序中的標籤字段。 您將看到我首先從標籤中刪除當前日期值,以便可以在模式對話框中初始化DateTime控件。這樣它就像一個新的複合控件一樣,儘管我承認如果你需要多次複製它會有點尷尬。例如:
private Button buttonDeadlineDate;
private Label labelDeadlineDate;
// ... then define your "composite" control:
lblNewLabel_5 = new Label(group_2, SWT.NONE);
lblNewLabel_5.setBounds(10, 14, 50, 17);
// We make our own composite date control out of a label and a button
// and we call a modal dialog box with the SWT DateTime and
// some buttons.
labelDeadlineDate = new Label(group_2, SWT.BORDER | SWT.CENTER);
labelDeadlineDate.setBounds(62, 10, 76, 20);
// Note that I use the strange font DokChampa because this was the only way to get a margin at the top.
labelDeadlineDate.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("DokChampa", 8, SWT.NORMAL));
labelDeadlineDate.setBackground(SWTResourceManager.getColor(255, 255, 255)); // so it does appear editable
buttonDeadlineDate = new Button (group_2, SWT.NONE);
buttonDeadlineDate.setBounds(136, 11, 20, 20); // x - add 74, y - add 1 with respect to label
// ... And later we have the call-back from the listener on the little button above:
// Deadline Date
buttonDeadlineDate.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
// Define the dialog shell.
// Note: DIALOG_TRIM = TITLE | CLOSE | BORDER (a typical application dialog shell)
final Shell dialog = new Shell (shlTaskScheduler, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL);
dialog.setText("Enter deadline date (NONE for none)");
// Position and size the dialog (relative to the application).
// could have probably also used a single call to dialog.setBounds()
// instead of calling setLocation() and setSize().
Point myPoint = new Point(0,0);
myPoint = shlTaskScheduler.getLocation();
myPoint.x +=80; // myPoint.x +=30;
myPoint.y +=320; // myPoint.y +=350;
dialog.setSize(270, 220);
dialog.setLayout (null);
// Define dialog contents
// Make controls final they it can be accessed from the listener.
final DateTime DTDeadlineDate;
DTDeadlineDate = new DateTime(dialog, SWT.BORDER | SWT.CALENDAR | SWT.DROP_DOWN);
DTDeadlineDate.setBounds(10, 10, 175, 175);
final Button buttonNone = new Button (dialog, SWT.PUSH);
buttonNone.setText ("NONE");
buttonNone.setBounds(200, 35, 55, 25);
final Button buttonOK = new Button (dialog, SWT.PUSH);
buttonOK.setText ("OK");
buttonOK.setBounds(200, 85, 55, 25);
// Initialize the DateTime control to
// the date displayed on the button or today's date.
// Get the deadline from the main application window
String newDeadlineDateString = (labelDeadlineDate.getText().toString());
myLogger.i (className, "got deadline from main application window as " + newDeadlineDateString);
// If deadline date found, use it to initialize the DateTime control
// else the DateTime control will initialize itself to the current date automatically.
if ((newDeadlineDateString.length() == 10) // probably unnecessary test
&& (isThisDateValid(newDeadlineDateString, "yyyy-MM-dd"))) {
// parse and extract components
try {
String tmpYearString= newDeadlineDateString.substring(0,4);
String tmpMoString = newDeadlineDateString.substring(5,7);
String tmpDayString = newDeadlineDateString.substring(8,10);
int tmpYearInt = Integer.parseInt(tmpYearString);
int tmpMoInt = Integer.parseInt(tmpMoString);
int tmpDayInt = Integer.parseInt(tmpDayString);
DTDeadlineDate.setMonth(tmpMoInt - 1); // the control counts the months beginning with 0! - like the calendar
} catch(NumberFormatException f) {
// this should not happen because we have a legal date
myScreenMessage.e(className, "Error extracting deadline date from screen <" + newDeadlineDateString + ">. Ignoring");
} else if (newDeadlineDateString.length() > 0) {
myLogger.w (className, "Illegal current deadline date value or format <" + newDeadlineDateString + ">. Ignoring.");
// no need to do anything, as the control will initialize itself to the current date
} else {
// no need to do anything, as the control will initialize itself to the current date
// Set up the listener and assign it to the OK and None buttons.
// Note that the dialog has not been opened yet, but this seems OK.
// Note that we define a generic listener and then associate it with a control.
// Thus we need to check in the listener, which control we happen to be in.
// This is a valid way of doing it, as an alternative to using
// addListener() or
// addSelectionListener()
// for specific controls.
Listener listener = new Listener() {
public void handleEvent (Event event) {
if (event.widget == buttonOK) {
int newDeadlineDay = DTDeadlineDate.getDay();
int newDeadlineMonth = DTDeadlineDate.getMonth() + 1; // the returned month will start at 0
int newDeadlineYear = DTDeadlineDate.getYear();
String selectedDeadlineDate = String.format ("%04d-%02d-%02d", newDeadlineYear, newDeadlineMonth, newDeadlineDay);
if (isThisDateValid(selectedDeadlineDate, "yyyy-MM-dd")) {
} else {
// This is strange as the widget should only return valid dates...
myScreenMessage.e(className, "Illegal deadline date selected: resetting to empty date");
} else if (event.widget == buttonNone) {
// an empty date is also an important value
} else {
// this should not happen as there are no other buttons on the dialog
myLogger.e(className, "Unexpected widget state: ignoring");
// once a button is pressed, we close the dialog
// Still need to assign the listener to the buttons
buttonOK.addListener (SWT.Selection, listener);
buttonNone.addListener (SWT.Selection, listener);
// Display the date dialog.
// If you need to do this - you can wait for user selection before returning from this listener.
// Note that this wait is not necessary so that the above button listeners
// can capture events, but rather so that we do not continue execution and end this
// function call before the user has made a date selection clicked on a button.
// Otherwise we would just go on.
while (!dialog.isDisposed()) {
if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {
- 1. 默認日期
- 2. 默認日期
- 3. 如何在Material-Datetime-Picker中設置自己的默認日期
- 4. mysql中的默認日期
- 5. WP7默認日期
- 6. SWT - ComboBoxCellEditor /默認值
- 7. 默認日期在jQuery中沒有正確顯示datePicker
- 8. 從DateTime獲取日期而沒有ToShortDateString
- 9. 日期時間沒有屬性datetime
- 10. 新DateTime()與默認(DateTime)
- 11. 如何將默認UTC日期值分配給DateTime列?
- 12. 日期選擇器與默認日期
- 13. datetime的默認值
- 14. 使用默認(DateTime)?
- 15. jquery datepicker的默認日期
- 16. Matplotlib默認日期格式?
- 17. jQuery-UI datepicker默認日期
- 18. 默認日期值休眠
- 19. Activeadmin設置默認日期
- 20. Datepicker bootstrap默認日期
- 21. 覆蓋默認日期
- 22. JSP日期默認值
- 23. JQuery Datepicker - 無默認日期
- 24. SSRS日期參數默認
- 25. Jsp默認日期格式
- 26. Bootstrap datepicker默認日期
- 27. 日期的默認格式
- 28. 更改calenderextender默認日期
- 29. Rails i18n.default_locale和日期格式...似乎沒有像默認
- 30. jQuery Datepicker沒有任何預定義的「默認」日期?