我試圖在觀看Udacity中的「Intro to AI」課程後實施統一成本搜索。但是,我的算法沒有得到正確的路徑。在這裏發佈前一直在嘗試一整天。我添加了一張地圖來幫助可視化場景。該算法應找到從阿拉德到布加勒斯特的最短加權路徑統一成本搜索實施
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
//diff between uniform cost search and dijkstra algo is that UCS has a goal
public class UniformCostSearchAlgo{
public static void main(String[] args){
//initialize the graph base on the Romania map
Node n1 = new Node("Arad");
Node n2 = new Node("Zerind");
Node n3 = new Node("Oradea");
Node n4 = new Node("Sibiu");
Node n5 = new Node("Fagaras");
Node n6 = new Node("Rimnicu Vilcea");
Node n7 = new Node("Pitesti");
Node n8 = new Node("Timisoara");
Node n9 = new Node("Lugoj");
Node n10 = new Node("Mehadia");
Node n11 = new Node("Drobeta");
Node n12 = new Node("Craiova");
Node n13 = new Node("Bucharest");
Node n14 = new Node("Giurgiu");
//initialize the edges
n1.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n2,75),
new Edge(n4,140),
new Edge(n8,118)
n2.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n1,75),
new Edge(n3,71)
n3.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n2,71),
new Edge(n4,151)
n4.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n1,140),
new Edge(n5,99),
new Edge(n3,151),
new Edge(n6,80),
n5.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n4,99),
new Edge(n13,211)
n6.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n4,80),
new Edge(n7,97),
new Edge(n12,146)
n7.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n6,97),
new Edge(n13,101),
new Edge(n12,138)
n8.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n1,118),
new Edge(n9,111)
n9.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n8,111),
new Edge(n10,70)
n10.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n9,70),
new Edge(n11,75)
n11.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n10,75),
new Edge(n12,120)
n12.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n11,120),
new Edge(n6,146),
new Edge(n7,138)
n13.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n7,101),
new Edge(n14,90),
new Edge(n5,211)
n14.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(n13,90)
List<Node> path = printPath(n13);
System.out.println("Path: " + path);
public static void UniformCostSearch(Node source, Node goal){
source.pathCost = 0;
PriorityQueue<Node> queue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(20,
new Comparator<Node>(){
//override compare method
public int compare(Node i, Node j){
if(i.pathCost > j.pathCost){
return 1;
else if (i.pathCost < j.pathCost){
return -1;
return 0;
Set<Node> explored = new HashSet<Node>();
boolean found = false;
//while frontier is not empty
Node current = queue.poll();
found = true;
for(Edge e: current.adjacencies){
Node child = e.target;
double cost = e.cost;
child.pathCost = current.pathCost + cost;
if(!explored.contains(child) && !queue.contains(child)){
child.parent = current;
else if((queue.contains(child))&&(child.pathCost>current.pathCost)){
current = child;
public static List<Node> printPath(Node target){
List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>();
for(Node node = target; node!=null; node = node.parent){
return path;
class Node{
public final String value;
public double pathCost;
public Edge[] adjacencies;
public Node parent;
public Node(String val){
value = val;
public String toString(){
return value;
class Edge{
public final double cost;
public final Node target;
public Edge(Node targetNode, double costVal){
cost = costVal;
target = targetNode;
你在期待和你想說什麼? – Dom
@Dom,我添加了一張地圖來解釋更多。我試圖找到從阿拉德到布加勒斯特的最短路線。路徑應該是[Arad,Sibiu,Rimnicu Vilcea,皮特什蒂,布加勒斯特]。但我越來越[Arad,Sibiu,Fagaras,布加勒斯特] –
不要忘記接受答案。 –