2017-02-25 59 views


def partition_list(A): 
    n = len(A) 
    m = A[n - 1] 
    #print m 
    A_left = [x for x in A if x <= m] 
    A_right = [x for x in A if x > m] 
    #if len(A_left) >= 2: 
    # return partition_list(A_left) 

    Anew = A_left + A_right 
    ind = Anew.index(m) 
    return Anew,ind 


def quick_sort_helper(A): 
    if len(A) > 1: 
     Anew,m1 = partition_list(A) 
     print Anew 
     Aleft = Anew[0:m1] 
     Aright = Anew[m1 + 1:len(A)] 
     print Aleft 
     return A 




您的遞歸quick_sort_helper()函數也令人困惑。在非遞歸的情況下,它返回一個數組,而在遞歸情況下它不返回任何內容。 Python,(所謂的)鬆散地鍵入語言,並不阻止你這樣做。


#!/usr/bin/env python 

def partition_list(A, loIn, hiEx): 
    Partitions the given list between given indexes such that the pivot is in its final sorted location. 
    Note: uses additional space. 
    :param A: the list of integers 
    :param loIn: low index, inclusive 
    :param hiEx: high index, exclusive 
    :return: index pi of pivot = (A[hiEx- 1]) in the sorted sequence, thus after the function returns, A[pi] = pivot and loIn <= pi < hiEx 
    # print "partition call: loIn = %d, hiEx = %d" % (loIn, hiEx) 
    n = hiEx - loIn 
    pivot = A[hiEx - 1] # pivot is fixed, last element of the given array 
    # print "pivot: %d" % pivot 
    slice = A[loIn:hiEx] 
    A_left = [x for x in slice if x <= pivot] 
    A_right = [x for x in slice if x > pivot] 
    Anew = A_left + A_right 
    # print Anew 
    # copy it back, defeating the purpose of quicksort 
    for i in xrange(n): 
     A[loIn + i] = Anew[i] 
    index = A.index(pivot, loIn, hiEx) 
    # print "partition index: %d, element: %d" % (index, A[index]) 
    return index 

def quick_sort_helper(A, loIn, hiEx): 
    Implements quicksort recursively. Call this as: quick_sort_helper(a, 0, len(a)) 
    :param A: the list to sort 
    :param loIn: low index, inclusive 
    :param hiEx: high index, exclusive 
    :return: nothing, sorts list in place. 
    if hiEx - loIn > 1: 
     m1 = partition_list(A, loIn, hiEx) # A[m1] is in its final sorted position 
     quick_sort_helper(A, loIn, m1) 
     quick_sort_helper(A, m1 + 1, hiEx) 

a = [43, 2, 52, 23, 1, 0, 10, 7, 3] 
quick_sort_helper(a, 0, len(a)) 
print "sorted: ", a # prints: sorted: [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 23, 43, 52] 

感謝您的建議和反饋。 – jayant