0 Can anyone tell me how to use the spell-check query plugin available in the contrib \ web2 dir (and even the rest of the plugins too)? Is it similar to enabling the nutch-plugins? 首先命中(`Nutch的拼寫檢查器「),並位於阿帕奇Nutch的項目頁面... 來源 2010-06-25 07:55:34 +0 之前,我問的問題,我已經查看過的網頁。 「contrib \ web2」模塊在nutch 0.9中可用,但它在nutch 1.0中不起作用。我試圖在nutch 1.0中安裝這個模塊,但它仍然不工作... – devna 2010-06-26 13:16:14
之前,我問的問題,我已經查看過的網頁。 「contrib \ web2」模塊在nutch 0.9中可用,但它在nutch 1.0中不起作用。我試圖在nutch 1.0中安裝這個模塊,但它仍然不工作... – devna 2010-06-26 13:16:14