2013-05-05 34 views


1)我把一個彈出div到我的HTML頁面的JavaScript。這裏是website。如果您點擊編輯圖標(在網頁的右側和中間),會出現一個彈出框。如果您單擊該彈出框的外部,它將關閉。我從彈出窗口中放了一個關閉圖標。我想要任何人點擊那個關閉圖標時,彈出框也會關閉。我也爲此提供了一個JavaScript。但是,當我單擊關閉圖標時,彈出框將關閉,但透明背景(div class =「dimmer」)仍將保留,除非單擊窗口的任何一側。我該如何解決這個問題?



<div class="wrapper"> 
     <header class="page_title"> 
      <h1>All Jobs</h1> 
     <article class="information"> 
      <table class="table"> 
         <th>Job ID</th> 
         <th>Start Date</th> 
         <th>Finish Date</th> 
         <th>Client ID</th> 
         <th>Bidder ID</th> 
         <th>Number of Supervisor</th> 
         <th>Name of Supervisor</th> 
         <th>Odesk Profile ID</th> 
         <th>Owner Type</th> 
         <th class="icon"> 

          <a href="#"><img src="images/edit-icon.jpg" width="41" height="39" alt="Edit" title="Edit Job" class="icon_first" id="opener" /></a> 
          <a href="#"><img src="images/delete.png" width="41" height="39" alt="Delete" title="Delete Job" /></a> 

          1. Dolar 
          2. Soshi 
          <a href="#">See the job at Odesk</a>          
      <div id="lightbox"> 
       <section id="form"> 
        <header class="titlebar"> 
         <a href="#"><img src="images/close-icon.png" width="33" height="32" alt="close" title="Close" id="closer" class="close" /></a> 
         <h1>Edit Form</h1> 

        <form id="form" name="form" method="post" action="#"> 
         <label>Job ID:</label> 
         <input type="text" name="job_id" id="job_id" placeholder="1" /> 
         <label>Start Date:</label> 
         <input type="date" name="start_date" id="start_date" placeholder="mm/dd/yy"> 
         <input type="date" name="deadline" id="deadline"> 
         <label>Finish Date:</label> 
         <input type="date" name="finish_date" id="finish_date"> 
         <input type="number" name="Budget" id="Budget" placeholder="100"> 
         <label>Client ID:</label> 
         <input type="text" name="client_id" id="client_id" placeholder="1" /> 
         <label>Bidder ID:</label> 
         <input type="text" name="bidder_id" id="bidder_id" placeholder="1" /> 
         <label>Number of Supervisor:</label> 
         <select title="Supervisor"> 
         <label>Odesk Profile ID:</label> 
         <input type="text" name="odesk_id" id="odesk_id" placeholder="https://www.odesk.com/jobs/Frontend-engineer"> 
         <label>Owner Type:</label> 
         <input type="radio" name="owner_type" id="owner_type" value="member" /><label class="text_label">Member</label> 
         <input type="radio" name="owner_type" id="owner_type" value="employee" /><label class="text_label">Employee</label> 
         <div class="clear"></div> 
         <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit"> 
     <article class="information"> 
      <table class="table"> 
         <th>Job ID</th> 
         <th>Start Date</th> 
         <th>Finish Date</th> 
         <th>Client ID</th> 
         <th>Bidder ID</th> 
         <th>Number of Supervisor</th> 
         <th>Name of Supervisor</th> 
         <th>Odesk Profile ID</th> 
         <th>Owner Type</th> 
         <th class="icon"> 

          <a href="#"><img src="images/edit-icon.jpg" width="41" height="39" alt="Edit" title="Edit Job" class="icon_first" /></a> 
          <a href="#"><img src="images/delete.png" width="41" height="39" alt="Delete" title="Delete Job" /></a> 

          1. Dolar 

          <a href="#">See the job at Odesk</a>          


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var opener = document.getElementById("opener"); 
var lightbox = document.getElementById("lightbox"); 

opener.onclick = function(){ 

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     dimmer = document.createElement("div"); 

    dimmer.style.width = window.innerWidth + 'px'; 
    dimmer.style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px'; 
    dimmer.className = 'dimmer'; 

    dimmer.onclick = function(){ 
     lightbox.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 


    lightbox.style.visibility = 'visible'; 

    return false; 

var closer = document.getElementById("closer"); 
closer.onclick = function closepopup() 
    lightbox.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 








var deleteBtn = document.getElementsByClassName('yourClass'); 
for(var i = 0; i < deleteBtn.length; i++) { 
    var btn = deleteBtn[i]; 
    btn.onclick = function() { 
     for (var k=0; k < deleteBtn.length; k++){ 
      if(this == deleteBtn[k]){ 

     var wrapper = document.getElementsByClassName('wrapper')[0]; 
     var target = wrapper.getElementsByTagName('article'); 

     deleteBtn = document.getElementsByClassName('yourClass'); 



1)謝謝!它正在工作! 2)刪除div,你可能不瞭解我的情況。我不是故意通過點擊popup div上的關閉圖標來刪除彈出div。當任何人點擊編輯圖標旁邊的刪除圖標(不是關閉彈出div上的圖標)時,我想完全刪除/刪除div(

)。 – user1896653 2013-05-05 18:47:16


編輯我的答案,告訴我是否有錯。 – 2013-05-05 20:14:58


但是,不幸的是,2)仍然不工作:( http://abidhasan.zxq.net/firm/jobs.html – user1896653 2013-05-05 22:10:52