2012-07-28 40 views

我剛將我的Macbook更新爲Mountain Lion,但現在postgresql無法正常工作。我收到以下錯誤消息時我讓導軌服務器上運行:在Mountain Lion上升級後postgresql不起作用

could not connect to server: No such file or directory (PG::Error) 
     Is the server running locally and accepting 
     connections on Unix domain socket "/var/pgsql_socket/.s.PGSQL.5432"? 


$ rails s 
=> Booting Mongrel 
=> Rails 3.1.0 application starting in development on 
=> Call with -d to detach 
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server 

Started GET "/" for at 2012-07-29 11:54:46 +0200 

PGError (could not connect to server: Connection refused 
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting 
TCP/IP connections on port 5432? 
could not connect to server: Connection refused 
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting 
TCP/IP connections on port 5432? 
could not connect to server: Connection refused 
Is the server running on host "localhost" (fe80::1) and accepting 
TCP/IP connections on port 5432? 

@Chiyou - 這與內核包無關 - OSX不是Linux – Mark 2012-07-28 16:19:06


@Chiyou - 實際上它更簡單,不使用內核:) - 請您刪除您的註釋,以便我們可以重新開始,除了找到mkmf.log,因爲這裏有太多評論 – Mark 2012-07-28 16:28:42


@ nadine1988:重新安裝紅寶石:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11711394/pg-gem-0-14-0-on-mountain-lion-fails – Bytemain 2012-07-29 22:25:00



你有做,autconf,automake的,binutils的,野牛安裝,m4或安裝軟件包來構建內核或重新安裝紅寶石:pg gem '0.14.0' on Mountain Lion fails


$ locate mkmf.log 警告:locate數據庫(/var/db/locate.database)不存在。 要創建數據庫,請運行以下命令: sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist 請注意,數據庫可能需要一些時間才能生成;一旦 數據庫已創建,此消息​​將不再出現。 – nadine1988 2012-07-28 15:39:22


$查找/ -name 「mkmf.log」 發現:/.DocumentRevisions-V100:權限被拒絕 發現:/.fseventsd:權限被拒絕 發現:/.Spotlight-V100:權限被拒絕 發現:/.Trashes:權限否認----------我如何檢查是否安裝了所有東西? – nadine1988 2012-07-28 15:56:00


信息:我更新了bei問題 – nadine1988 2012-07-28 16:18:25
