2014-01-30 74 views

他是我的問題。有字符串「案例1 V1:A,B,C ...」。單詞「案例1 V1:」是永久性的,A,B,C是變量。 含義我的字符串可能包含許多元素,通常是三個,有時是4-6個元素。我不知道元素的順序,一次是「案例1 V1:A,B,C」,第二次「案例1 V1:B,A,C」。 我想列出所有可能的字符串組合。 是否有創建所有組合的簡單方法?創建所有可能的字符串排列


Whay你試過嗎?告訴我們一些代碼 – Peter


也許你不應該這樣做,你應該檢查你的網頁是否只包含三個字母,並且包含至少一個A,至少一個B和至少一個C? –


看這裏:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7802822/all-possible-combinations-of-a-list-of-values-in-c-sharp – Plue




public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Permutations<T>(IEnumerable<T> items) 
    foreach (var item in items) 
     var head = new T[] { item }; 
     var tail = items.Except(head).ToList(); 
     var subLists = Permutations(tail); 
     if (subLists.Any()) 
      foreach (var subList in subLists) 
       yield return head.Concat(subList); 
      yield return head; 


foreach (var p in Permutations(new string[] { "A", "B", "C" })) 
    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", p)); 


A, B, C 
A, C, B 
B, A, C 
B, C, A 
C, A, B 
C, B, A 




我還沒有設法圍繞他的代碼如何工作,但在測試中,我只用362,880排列運行,德米特里顯着更快 - 大約1秒到16秒。我猜,我所有的遞歸編程都沒有針對它進行優化。 –


馬修的同樣的測試需要大約2秒,仍然明顯快於我的方法 –


我已經更新了我的答案,以強制計算尾部的額外呼叫ToList。這使我的解決方案與Matthew的解決方案具有同等的速度。大概在我重新計算每個子列表的尾部之前,而不是隻做一次工作。 –




Case 1 V1: A, B, C 
Case 1 V1: A, C, B 
Case 1 V1: B, A, C 
Case 1 V1: B, C, A 
Case 1 V1: C, A, B 
Case 1 V1: C, B, A 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace Demo 
    internal class Program 
     private void run() 
      string prefix = "Case 1 V1: "; 
      string[] possibilities = {"A", "B", "C"}; 

      foreach (var permutation in Permute(possibilities)) 
       Console.WriteLine(prefix + string.Join(", ", permutation)); 

     public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Permute<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence) 
      return permute(sequence, sequence.Count()); 

     private static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> permute<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence, int count) 
      if (count == 0) 
       yield return new T[0]; 
       int startingElementIndex = 0; 

       foreach (T startingElement in sequence) 
        IEnumerable<T> remainingItems = allExcept(sequence, startingElementIndex); 

        foreach (IEnumerable<T> permutationOfRemainder in permute(remainingItems, count - 1)) 
         yield return (new [] { startingElement }).Concat(permutationOfRemainder); 


     private static IEnumerable<T> allExcept<T>(IEnumerable<T> input, int indexToSkip) 
      int index = 0; 

      foreach (T item in input) 
       if (index != indexToSkip) 
        yield return item; 


     private static void Main() 
      new Program().run(); 

您可以使用典型的等級/ unrank方式來給排列(實際上,你的情況,你想unrank只):

public static class Permutations { 
    public static BigInteger Count(int size) { 
     if (size < 0) 
     return 0; 

     BigInteger result = 1; 

     for (int i = 2; i <= size; ++i) 
     result *= i; 

     return result; 

    public static int[] Unrank(int size, BigInteger rank) { 
     if (size < 0) 
     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size", "size should not be negative."); 
     else if (rank < 0) 
     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rank", "size should not be negative."); 

     int[] digits = new int[size]; 

     for (int digit = 2; digit <= size; ++digit) { 
     BigInteger divisor = digit; 

     digits[size - digit] = (int) (rank % divisor); 

     if (digit < size) 
      rank /= divisor; 

     int[] permutation = new int[size]; 
     List<int> usedDigits = new List<int>(size); 

     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) 

     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { 
     int v = usedDigits.IndexOf(0, 0); 

     for (int k = 0; k < digits[i]; ++k) 
      v = usedDigits.IndexOf(0, v + 1); 

     permutation[i] = v; 
     usedDigits[v] = 1; 

     return permutation; 


     StringBuilder Sb = new StringBuilder(); 

     String data = "Case 1 V1: A, B, C"; 

     String[] items = data.Substring("Case 1 V1:".Length).Trim().Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToArray(); 

     for (int i = 0; i < (int) Permutations.Count(items.Length); ++i) { 
     if (Sb.Length > 0) 

     Sb.Append("Case 1 V1: "); 

     Boolean firstItem = true; 

     foreach (int j in Permutations.Unrank(items.Length, i)) { 
      if (!firstItem) 
      Sb.Append(", "); 

      firstItem = false; 


     String result = Sb.ToString(); 


Case 1 V1: A, B, C 
Case 1 V1: A, C, B 
Case 1 V1: B, A, C 
Case 1 V1: B, C, A 
Case 1 V1: C, A, B 
Case 1 V1: C, B, A 