fileData = dir(); %# Get a structure of data for the files in the
%# current directory
fileNames = {fileData.name}; %# Put the file names in a cell array
index = regexp(fileNames,... %# Match a file name if it begins
'^[A-Za-z]+_type\d+\.tif$'); %# with at least one letter,
%# followed by `_type`, followed
%# by at least one number, and
%# ending with '.tif'
inFiles = fileNames(~cellfun(@isempty,index)); %# Get the names of the matching
%# files in a cell array
nFiles = numel(inFiles); %# Get the number of input files
for iFile = 1:nFiles %# Loop over the input files
inFile = inFiles{iFile}; %# Get the current input file
inImg = imread(inFile); %# Load the image data
[outImg,someNumber] = process_your_image(inImg); %# Process the image data
outFile = [strtok(inFile,'.') ... %# Remove the '.tif' from the input file,
'_' ... %# append an underscore,
num2str(someNumber) ... %# append the number as a string, and
'.tif']; %# add the `.tif` again
imwrite(outImg,outFile); %# Write the new image data to a file
謝謝gnovice! on line 3 index = regexp(fileNames,'[A-Za-z] + _ type \ d + \。tif'); 如果我希望數字是1,2和5(而不是所有其他可用數字),該怎麼辦? 我還沒有運行你的代碼呢..忙搜索你使用的所有功能:P,但是代碼的「+」部分? – 2010-06-15 21:32:25
@ its-me:如果你想匹配單詞'type'後的數字1,2或5中的一個*,你可以刪除'\ d +'並用'[125]'替換它。 「+」是一個量詞,表示前面的字符匹配1次或更多次。我還爲我的答案添加了一些額外的功能文檔鏈接。 – gnovice 2010-06-15 23:49:43
完美答案! – 2010-06-15 23:59:02