2017-05-20 117 views


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    <title>JAM Bakery</title> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="home.css"> 
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fjalla+One|Gloria+Hallelujah|Lato" rel="stylesheet"> 

     <div class="dropdown"> 
     <li class="dropbtn">Products</li> 
     <ul class=dropdown-content> 
      <li><a href="cupcakes.html">Cupcakes</a></li> 
      <li><a href="cakes.html">Cakes</a></li> 
      <li><a href="bagles.html">Bagles</a> 
     <li class="buttons"><a href="aboutus.html" class="btn">About Us</a></li> 
     <li class="buttons"><a href="contactus.html" class="btn">Contact Us</a></li> 

,涉及到的導航欄每一件事情上width: 100%設置。請幫助我理解爲什麼導航欄未填充頁面的整個寬度。


看來你沒有'body'標籤。但是你必須有' ...'。 –


'body'有一個默認邊距。添加'body {margin:0; }' –


@MichaelCoker非常感謝。這幫了很多。 –




body { 
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每個標籤都有一些默認的邊距和填充首先,您必須使用* {padding:0px;}來清除邊距和填充。保證金:0像素}是*選擇所有的元素,並設置margin和padding 0

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/* Links inside the dropdown */ 

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/* Change color of dropdown links on hover */ 

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/* Show the dropdown menu on hover */ 

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/* Change the background color of the dropdown button when the dropdown content is shown */ 

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.dropbtn { 
    padding: 35.5px 0px; 
    margin: -35.5px 40px; 
    background-color: #80DED9; 
    <title>JAM Bakery</title> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="home.css"> 
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fjalla+One|Gloria+Hallelujah|Lato" rel="stylesheet"> 

    <div class="dropdown"> 
     <li class="dropbtn">Products</li> 
     <ul class=dropdown-content> 
     <li><a href="cupcakes.html">Cupcakes</a></li> 
     <li><a href="cakes.html">Cakes</a></li> 
     <li><a href="bagles.html">Bagles</a> 
    <li class="buttons"><a href="aboutus.html" class="btn">About Us</a></li> 
    <li class="buttons"><a href="contactus.html" class="btn">Contact Us</a></li> 



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