C代碼:PC彙編語言(保羅·卡特) - Prime.Asm舉例說明關於喬和JE
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned guess; /* current guess for prime */
unsigned factor; /* possible factor of guess */
unsigned limit; /* find primes up to this value */
printf("Find primes up to: ");
scanf("%u", &limit);
printf("2\n"); /* treat first two primes as special case */
guess = 5; /* initial guess */
while (guess <= limit) {
/* look for a factor of guess */
factor = 3;
while (factor*factor < guess && guess % factor != 0)
factor += 2;
if (guess % factor != 0)
printf("%d\n", guess);
guess += 2; /* only look at odd numbers */
return 0;
%include "asm_io.inc"
segment .data
Message db "Find primes up to: ", 0
segment .bss
Limit resd 1 ; find primes up to this limit
Guess resd 1 ; the current guess for prime
segment .text
global _asm_main
enter 0,0 ; setup routine
mov eax, Message
call print_string
call read_int ; scanf("%u", & limit);
mov [Limit], eax
mov eax, 2 ; printf("2\n");
call print_int
call print_nl
mov eax, 3 ; printf("3\n");
call print_int
call print_nl
mov dword [Guess], 5 ; Guess = 5;
while_limit: ; while (Guess <= Limit)
mov eax,[Guess]
cmp eax, [Limit]
jnbe end_while_limit ; use jnbe since numbers are unsigned
mov ebx, 3 ; ebx is factor = 3;
mov eax,ebx
mul eax ; edx:eax = eax*eax
**jo end_while_factor ; if answer won't fit in eax alone**
cmp eax, [Guess]
jnb end_while_factor ; if !(factor*factor < guess)
mov eax,[Guess]
mov edx,0
div ebx ; edx = edx:eax % ebx
cmp edx, 0
je end_while_factor ; if !(guess % factor != 0)
add ebx,2 ; factor += 2;
jmp while_factor
**je end_if ; if !(guess % factor != 0)**
mov eax,[Guess] ; printf("%u\n")
call print_int
call print_nl
mov eax,[Guess]
add eax, 2
mov [Guess], eax ; guess += 2
jmp while_limit
mov eax, 0 ; return back to C
首先,MUL指令乘以EAX * EAX並將其存儲在EDX:EAX中,如果它太大而不適合EAX,對吧? 然後程序檢查溢出。 所以當這個值太大而不適合EAX時,系統檢測到溢出並且設置OF = 1? 爲什麼?如果需要,該值不會同時存儲在EAX & EDX中?其次,JE指令。該評論解釋:如果!(猜測%因子!= 0)。
cmp edx,0
je end_while_factor
但如果跳是因爲溢出檢查的製作,或者如果(因素*因素< 0):當程序從那裏跳
那好嗎? 它會好嗎?正在比較哪些值?它只是檢查ZF? 但是不是因爲另一個原因(另一條指令)而被修改過。
感謝您的回答! OF現在已經很清楚了。關於JE ...以前的指令是:cmp eax,[Limit]被執行。如果eax = [Limit] JMP沒有生成,while循環開始,所以ZF = 1,因爲cmp。如果現在發生溢出,並且程序跳轉到end_while_factor,則由於ZF保持1,所以不會打印該號碼? –
呃,不,比較跳轉到end_while_limit。有幾個地方跳轉到end_while_factor。這只是錯誤的代碼。 –
好的!感謝您的幫助! –