- 我想去阻止這種使用超時功能,但它不能是一個很好的解決方案,因爲它沒有工作
<div id="elem1" onmouseover="focusDiv('elem1')">
<div style="position: relative; top: 50%; left: 0">E1</div>
<div id="elem2" onmouseover="focusDiv('elem2')">
<div style="position: relative; top: 50%; right: 0">E2</div>
<div id="elem3" onmouseover="focusDiv('elem3')">
<div style="position: relative; top: 50%; right: 0">E3</div>
function focusDiv(menuItem) {
var nameOne = 'elem1';
var nameTwo = 'elem2';
var nameThree = 'elem3';
if (menuItem == nameOne){
var main = document.getElementById("elem1");
var siblingOne = document.getElementById("elem2");
var siblingTwo = document.getElementById("elem3");
} else if (menuItem == nameTwo){
var main = document.getElementById("elem2");
var siblingOne = document.getElementById("elem1");
var siblingTwo = document.getElementById("elem3");
} else if (menuItem == nameThree){
var main = document.getElementById("elem3");
var siblingOne = document.getElementById("elem2");
var siblingTwo = document.getElementById("elem1");
} else {
console.log('Something wrong');
if(hoverActive || (siblingOne.style.width == "59%" || siblingTwo.style.width == "59%")){
if(siblingOne.style.width == "59%"){
siblingOne.style.WebkitAnimation = "return-large-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
siblingOne.style.animation = "return-large-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
siblingOne.style.width = "20%";
main.style.WebkitAnimation = "expand-large-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
main.style.animation = "expand-large-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
main.style.width = "59%";
} else if (siblingTwo.style.width == "59%"){
siblingTwo.style.WebkitAnimation = "return-large-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
siblingTwo.style.animation = "return-large-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
siblingTwo.style.width = "20%";
main.style.WebkitAnimation = "expand-large-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
main.style.animation = "expand-large-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
main.style.width = "59%";
} else {
main.style.WebkitAnimation = "expand-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
main.style.animation = "expand-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
main.style.width = "59%";
siblingOne.style.WebkitAnimation = "shrink-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
siblingOne.style.animation = "shrink-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
siblingOne.style.width = "20%";
siblingTwo.style.WebkitAnimation = "shrink-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
siblingTwo.style.animation = "shrink-width 1s 1 ease-in-out";
siblingTwo.style.width = "20%";
hoverActive = true;
@keyframes expand-width {
from { width: 33%;}
to {width: 59%;}
@keyframes expand-large-width {
from { width: 20%;}
to {width: 59%;}
@keyframes shrink-width {
from { width: 33%;}
to {width: 20%;}
@keyframes return-width {
from { width: 59%;}
to {width: 33%;}
@keyframes return-large-width {
from { width: 59%;}
to {width: 20%;}
可能會更好, onmouseleave?事件被激發的次數更少。 – animaacija
好的,會做到這一點,但不知道它有助於我的問題 – desicne
我希望它可以解決第一個問題,而不是兩個,再加上,easyer在鼠標輸入和鼠標離開時切換class * expanded *,並使用css3-轉換 – animaacija