2017-01-08 73 views

使用ahk,我可以在Windows 7上使用全屏cmd的腳本嗎? 我已經設法與Windows 10的全屏,但在Windows 7上它看起來像這樣。 Fullscreen testAutohotkey使用Cmd.exe進行全屏顯示


WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A 
IfWinExist %currentWindow% 
    WinSet, Style, ^0xC00000 ; toggle title bar 






/* YABT+ - Yet Another Borderless-Window Toggle 
* by Barrow (March 30, 2012) 
* rewritten by kon (May 16, 2014) 
* http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/78903-yabt-yet-another-borderless-window-toggle/page-2#entry650488 
* updated by Hastarin (Dec 5, 2014) 
* updated by WAZAAAAA (Sep 27, 2016) 
* tested with AutoHotkey v1.1.24.01 
WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A 
IfWinExist %currentWindow% 

Toggle_Window(Window:="") { 
    static A := Init() 
    if (!Window) 
     MouseGetPos,,, Window 
    WinGet, S, Style, % (i := "_" Window) ? "ahk_id " Window : ; Get window style 
    if (S & +0xC00000) {          ; If not borderless 
     WinGet, IsMaxed, MinMax, % "ahk_id " Window 
    if (A[i, "Maxed"] := IsMaxed = 1 ? true : false) 
     WinRestore, % "ahk_id " Window 
    WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, % "ahk_id " Window    ; Store window size/location 
    for k, v in ["X", "Y", "W", "H"] 
     A[i, v] := %v% 
    Loop, % A.MCount {          ; Determine which monitor to use 
     if (X >= A.Monitor[A_Index].Left 
      && X < A.Monitor[A_Index].Right 
    && Y >= A.Monitor[A_Index].Top 
    && Y < A.Monitor[A_Index].Bottom) { 
     WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % "ahk_id " Window ; Remove borders 
     WinSet, Style, -0x40000, % "ahk_id " Window ; Including the resize border 
     WinSet, ExStyle, -0x00000200, % "ahk_id " Window ;Also WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 
     ; The following lines are the x,y,w,h of the maximized window 
     ; ie. to offset the window 10 pixels up: A.Monitor[A_Index].Top - 10 
     WinMove, % "ahk_id " Window, 
     , A.Monitor[A_Index].Left        ; X position 
     , A.Monitor[A_Index].Top        ; Y position 
     , A.Monitor[A_Index].Right - A.Monitor[A_Index].Left ; Width 
     , A.Monitor[A_Index].Bottom - A.Monitor[A_Index].Top ; Height 
else if (S & -0xC00000) {           ; If borderless 
    WinSet, Style, +0x40000, % "ahk_id " Window   ; Reapply borders 
WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, % "ahk_id " Window 
WinSet, ExStyle, +0x00000200, % "ahk_id " Window ;Also WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 
WinMove, % "ahk_id " Window,, A[i].X, A[i].Y, A[i].W, A[i].H ; Return to original position 
if (A[i].Maxed) 
    WinMaximize, % "ahk_id " Window 

Init() { 
    A := {} 
    SysGet, n, MonitorCount 
    Loop, % A.MCount := n { 
     SysGet, Mon, Monitor, % i := A_Index 
     for k, v in ["Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom"] 
      A["Monitor", i, v] := Mon%v% 
    return A 