2017-02-24 31 views

所以我有這個RPN計算器項目,我會嘗試發佈所有的代碼;我會運行「C++ dc.cpp」嗎?即使我知道別人編譯正確,我也會返回一個錯誤。我如何編譯這個?我以錯誤的方式編譯?


#include <iostream> 
#include "stack.h" 
#include <string> 
#include "dsexceptions.h" 

using namespace std; 

bool IsOperator(char op); 
int calculate(char op, int operand1, int operand2); 

int main() { 
    string input; 
    Stack<int> dc; 

    while (getline(cin, input)) 
     for (int i = 0; i<input.length(); i++) 
      if (input[i] == ' ') 
      else if (IsOperator(input[i])) 

       try { 
        int operand2 = dc.top(); 

        int operand1 = dc.top(); 
        int result = calculate(input[i], operand1, operand2); 

       catch (Underflow e) { 
        cout << "No elements in stack"; 

       catch (Overflow e) { 
        cout << "Stack full. Can't insert more"; 

       catch (DivisionByZero e) { 
        cout << "Please choose some other value for division except 0"; 

       catch (InvalidOperator e) { 
        cout << "The operator you choose is invalid"; 
      else if (isdigit(input[i])) 
       int operand = 0; 
       while (i<input.length() && isdigit(input[i])) 
        operand = (operand * 10) + (input[i] - '0'); 

       if (i && input[i - 1] == '_') 
        operand *= -1; 

       try { 
       catch (Overflow e) { 
        cout << "Stack full. Can't insert more"; 

      else if (input[i] == 'p') { 
       try { 
        cout << dc.top() << endl; 
       catch (Underflow e) { 
        cout << "No elements in stack"; 

      else if (input[i] == 'n') { 
       try { 
        cout << dc.top(); 
       catch (Underflow e) { 
        cout << "No elements in stack"; 

      else if (input[i] == 'f') { 
       for (Stack <int> dump = dc; !dump.isEmpty(); dump.pop()) { 

        try { 
         cout << dump.top() << " "; 
        catch (Underflow e) { 
         cout << "No elements in stack"; 

       cout << endl; 
      else if (input[i] == 'c') { 
       while (!dc.isEmpty()) 
      else if (input[i] == 'd') { 

       try { 
       catch (Overflow e) { 
        cout << "Stack full. Can't insert more"; 
       catch (Underflow e) { 
        cout << "No elements in stack"; 

      else if (input[i] == 'r') { 

       try { 
        int x = dc.top(); 
        int y = dc.top(); 

       catch (Overflow e) { 
        cout << "Stack full. Can't insert more"; 
       catch (Underflow e) { 
        cout << "No elements in stack"; 


    return 0; 

bool IsOperator(char op) 
    if (op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '*' || op == '/' || op == '%') 
     return true; 
     return false; 

int calculate(char op, int operand1, int operand2) 
    if (op == '+') 
     return operand1 + operand2; 
    else if (op == '-') 
     return operand1 - operand2; 
    else if (op == '*') 
     return operand1 * operand2; 
    else if (op == '/') 
     return operand1/operand2; 
     if (operand2 == 0) 
      throw DivisionByZero(); 
    else if (op == '%') 
     return operand1 % operand2; 

    else { 
     throw InvalidOperator(); 



#include <iostream> 

class Underflow : public std::runtime_error 
    Underflow(std::string const& error) 
     : std::runtime_error(error) {} 

     :std::runtime_error("Underflow Exception") {} 

class Overflow : public std::runtime_error 

    Overflow(std::string const& error) 
     : std::runtime_error(error) {} 

     :std::runtime_error("Overflow Exception") {} 

class InvalidOperator : public std::runtime_error 

    InvalidOperator(std::string const& error) 
     : std::runtime_error(error) {} 

     :std::runtime_error("Invalid Exception") {} 

class OutOfMemory : public std::runtime_error 

    OutOfMemory(std::string const& error) 
     : std::runtime_error(error) {} 

     :std::runtime_error("Out Of Memory Exception") {} 

class BadIterator : public std::runtime_error 

    BadIterator(std::string const& error) 
     : std::runtime_error(error) {} 

     :std::runtime_error("Bad Iterator Exception") {} 

class DataError : public std::runtime_error 

    DataError(std::string const& error) 
     : std::runtime_error(error) {} 

     :std::runtime_error("Data Error Exception") {} 

class DivisionByZero : public std::runtime_error 

    DivisionByZero(std::string const& error) 
     : std::runtime_error(error) {} 

     :std::runtime_error("Division By Zero Exception") {} 



#include "dsexceptions.h" 
#include "stack.h" 
* Construct the stack. 
template <class Object> 
Stack<Object>::Stack(int aCapacity) 
    topOfStack = -1; 
    capacity = aCapacity; 

* Test if the stack is logically empty. 
* Return true if empty, false otherwise. 
template <class Object> 
bool Stack<Object>::isEmpty() const 
    return topOfStack == -1; 

* Test if the stack is logically full. 
* Return true if full, false otherwise. 
template <class Object> 
bool Stack<Object>::isFull() const 
    return topOfStack == capacity - 1; 

* Make the stack logically empty. 
template <class Object> 
void Stack<Object>::makeEmpty() 
    topOfStack = -1; 

* Get the most recently inserted item in the stack. 
* Does not alter the stack. 
* Return the most recently inserted item in the stack. 
* Exception Underflow if stack is already empty. 
template <class Object> 
const Object & Stack<Object>::top() const 
    if (isEmpty()) 
     throw Underflow(); 
    return theArray[topOfStack]; 

* Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack. 
* Exception Underflow if stack is already empty. 
template <class Object> 
void Stack<Object>::pop() 
    if (isEmpty()) 
     throw Underflow(); 

* Insert x into the stack, if not already full. 
* Exception Overflow if stack is already full. 
template <class Object> 
void Stack<Object>::push(const Object & x) 
    if (isFull()) 
     throw Overflow(); 
    theArray[++topOfStack] = x; 

* Return and remove most recently inserted item from the stack. 
* Return most recently inserted item. 
* Exception Underflow if stack is already empty. 
template <class Object> 
Object Stack<Object>::topAndPop() 
    if (isEmpty()) 
     throw Underflow(); 
    return theArray[topOfStack--]; 

/* int main() 
     cout << "testing stack class" << endl; 
     Stack<int> dc(100); 
     cout << " stack class init" << endl; 

     cout << "done testing stack class" << endl; 

我的編譯器返回次當我運行「C++ dc.cpp」時出現錯誤。我只是被錯誤地編譯它,正確的?:

In file included from stack.cpp:1: 
dsexceptions.h:8: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Underflow::Underflow(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:11: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:11: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Underflow::Underflow()’: 
dsexceptions.h:14: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:14: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:18: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Overflow::Overflow(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:22: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:22: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Overflow::Overflow()’: 
dsexceptions.h:25: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:25: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:29: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘InvalidOperator::InvalidOperator(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:33: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:33: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘InvalidOperator::InvalidOperator()’: 
dsexceptions.h:36: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:36: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:42: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘OutOfMemory::OutOfMemory(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:46: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:46: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘OutOfMemory::OutOfMemory()’: 
dsexceptions.h:49: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:49: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:53: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘BadIterator::BadIterator(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:57: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:57: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘BadIterator::BadIterator()’: 
dsexceptions.h:60: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:60: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:64: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DataError::DataError(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:68: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:68: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DataError::DataError()’: 
dsexceptions.h:71: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:71: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:75: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DivisionByZero::DivisionByZero(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:79: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:79: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DivisionByZero::DivisionByZero()’: 
dsexceptions.h:82: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:82: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
In file included from stack.cpp:2: 
stack.h: At global scope: 
stack.h:1: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘<’ token 
stack.h:34: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘vector’ with no type 
stack.h:34: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token 
stack.h:36: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘vector’ with no type 
stack.h:36: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token 
stack.cpp: In constructor ‘Stack<Object>::Stack(int)’: 
stack.cpp:11: error: ‘theArray’ was not declared in this scope 
stack.cpp: In member function ‘const Object& Stack<Object>::top() const’: 
stack.cpp:54: error: ‘theArray’ was not declared in this scope 
stack.cpp: In member function ‘void Stack<Object>::push(const Object&)’: 
stack.cpp:78: error: ‘theArray’ was not declared in this scope 
stack.cpp: In member function ‘Object Stack<Object>::topAndPop()’: 
stack.cpp:91: error: ‘theArray’ was not declared in this scope 
[[email protected] Prog2]$ c++ dc.cpp 
In file included from dc.cpp:2: 
stack.h:1: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘<’ token 
stack.h:34: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘vector’ with no type 
stack.h:34: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token 
stack.h:36: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘vector’ with no type 
stack.h:36: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token 
In file included from dc.cpp:4: 
dsexceptions.h:8: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Underflow::Underflow(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:11: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:11: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Underflow::Underflow()’: 
dsexceptions.h:14: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:14: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:18: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Overflow::Overflow(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:22: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:22: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Overflow::Overflow()’: 
dsexceptions.h:25: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:25: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:29: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘InvalidOperator::InvalidOperator(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:33: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:33: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘InvalidOperator::InvalidOperator()’: 
dsexceptions.h:36: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:36: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:42: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘OutOfMemory::OutOfMemory(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:46: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:46: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘OutOfMemory::OutOfMemory()’: 
dsexceptions.h:49: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:49: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:53: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘BadIterator::BadIterator(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:57: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:57: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘BadIterator::BadIterator()’: 
dsexceptions.h:60: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:60: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:64: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DataError::DataError(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:68: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:68: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DataError::DataError()’: 
dsexceptions.h:71: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:71: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:75: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DivisionByZero::DivisionByZero(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:79: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:79: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DivisionByZero::DivisionByZero()’: 
dsexceptions.h:82: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:82: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
[[email protected] Prog2]$ c++ dc.cpp 
In file included from dc.cpp:2: 
stack.h:1: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘<’ token 
stack.h:34: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘vector’ with no type 
stack.h:34: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token 
stack.h:36: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘vector’ with no type 
stack.h:36: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token 
In file included from dc.cpp:4: 
dsexceptions.h:8: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Underflow::Underflow(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:11: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:11: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Underflow::Underflow()’: 
dsexceptions.h:14: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:14: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:18: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Overflow::Overflow(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:22: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:22: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘Overflow::Overflow()’: 
dsexceptions.h:25: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:25: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:29: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘InvalidOperator::InvalidOperator(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:33: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:33: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘InvalidOperator::InvalidOperator()’: 
dsexceptions.h:36: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:36: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:42: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘OutOfMemory::OutOfMemory(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:46: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:46: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘OutOfMemory::OutOfMemory()’: 
dsexceptions.h:49: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:49: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:53: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘BadIterator::BadIterator(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:57: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:57: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘BadIterator::BadIterator()’: 
dsexceptions.h:60: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:60: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:64: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DataError::DataError(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:68: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:68: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DataError::DataError()’: 
dsexceptions.h:71: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:71: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: At global scope: 
dsexceptions.h:75: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DivisionByZero::DivisionByZero(const std::string&)’: 
dsexceptions.h:79: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:79: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h: In constructor ‘DivisionByZero::DivisionByZero()’: 
dsexceptions.h:82: error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token 
dsexceptions.h:82: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘(’ token 

我還應該提到 - 在實現錯誤處理之前,一切都很好。 – knm


你可以發佈你的stack.h文件嗎?我想你可能在那裏錯過了一個分號。 – ltjax


哪個操作系統,編譯器和您正在使用哪些版本?你是如何編譯你的代碼的(我推薦* gcc最新的* [GCC](http://gcc.gnu.org/)與'g ++ -Wall -g' ....) –





#include <stdexcept> 



#include <vector> 



這不是一個答案。一個好的評論,但不是一個好的答案。 –


我認爲這是一個合理的答案。顯然,問題是OP沒有包含適當的頭文件。 – MuertoExcobito



dsexceptions.h:8: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token 

你可以看到,編譯器無法識別緊接{令牌。這是什麼標誌? 7號線是

class Underflow : public std::runtime_error 

是的,你正在使用std::runtime_error,但沒有定義它。該修復當然是#include <stdexcept>而不是不必要的#include <iostream>


有工具,如include-what-you-use(又名iwyu)來幫助分析您的源文件丟失或不必要的包括 - 你應該看看是否可以幫助你。