2017-03-03 50 views

我想操縱樹列表的指令,我想知道如果我可以在DOM中操縱HTML。 我想只在沒有孩子時才添加超鏈接。 這是代碼。AngularJS樹列表中的動態模板


var appBo = angular.module('appBo', []); 

appBo.directive('tree', function() { 
    return { 
    restrict: 'E', // tells Angular to apply this to only html tag that is <tree> 
    replace: true, // tells Angular to replace <tree> by the whole template 
    scope: { 
     t: '=src' // create an isolated scope variable 't' and pass 'src' to it. 
    template: '<ul><branch ng-repeat="c in t.children" src="c"></branch></ul>'  

appBo.directive('branch', function($compile) { 
    return { 
    restrict: 'E', // tells Angular to apply this to only html tag that is <branch> 
    replace: true, // tells Angular to replace <branch> by the whole template 
    scope: { 
     b: '=src' // create an isolated scope variable 'b' and pass 'src' to it. 
    //template: '<li><a href="{{b.hyperlink}}">{{ b.name }}</a></li>', 
    template: '<li><a>{{ b.name }}</a></li>', 
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) { 
     //// Check if there are any children, otherwise we'll have infinite execution 
     var has_children = angular.isArray(scope.b.children); 
     //// Manipulate HTML in DOM 
     if (has_children) {   
     element.append('<tree src="b"></tree>'); 
     // recompile Angular because of manual appending 
     //add hyperlink for 'Blouse', 'Tank', 'Skirt', 'Dress' 
     // recompile Angular because of manual appending 
     //// Bind events 
     element.on('click', function(event) { 
      if (has_children) { 

appBo.controller('TreelistController', function ($scope) { 
    $scope.categories = { 
    children: [ 
     name: "Women", 
     children: [ 
      name: "Top", 
      children: [ 
       name: "Blouse", hyperlink: "blouse.com" 
       name: "Tank", hyperlink: "tank.com" 
      name: "Bottom", 
      children: [ 
       name: "Skirt", hyperlink: "skirt.com" 
       name: "Dress", hyperlink: "dress.com" 

